FY 2011 Public Libraries Survey WebPLUS Software Training
Introduction The Public Libraries Survey (PLS) collects statistics on the two components of libraries: Administrative Entities and Outlets. See the WebPLUS User’s Guide for further detail about the software and the survey.
WebPLUS URL Access the WebPLUS software at /
WebPLUS Welcome Page Select: Login to WebPLUS
Login Find your PLS User id and Password in Attachment A – State Data Coordinator Certificate of the letter you received by mail. Enter your PLS User id and Password on the Login screen
Menu Overview Survey Status Tools Reports Help External Links Logout
Help The Help menu bar option provides the State Data Coordinator with helpful resources, which include the Edit Messages and Conditions and the Data Element Definitions.
External Links The External Links menu bar option provides the SDC with references outside the data collection software. These links include the IMLS Public Libraries website and the Public Library Statistics Cooperative (PLSC) Wiki.
Survey Status The Survey Status screen always shows the current status of the process and the next step required. Return to this screen at any time for guidance. Select: Tools > View/Key/Update > StateChar
State Characteristics The State Characteristics data provides state level information and is required to run a complete Edit Report. Key the current year State Characteristics data Press the Save button Select Survey Status to proceed to the next step
Import Administrative Entity Data, Outlet Data, and Annotations After entering the state characteristics data, you can import data for Administrative Entities, Outlets, and Annotation files into WebPLUS. Next Step: Import/Key Data Select: Tools > File Import/Log/Delete See Appendix D of User’s Guide for Import Specifications
File Upload and Import Once you have prepared your files you can import them into the WebPLUS database. Click the Browse button to locate your Administrative Entity, Outlet, or Annotation file Click Upload and Import File If any problems occur during the import process, a message box will prompt you with the record affected. “Files Currently Loaded” and “Files Previously Deleted” logs show the current and past files used.
Run Match Report The match process compares current- year records to prior-year records for name, address, and structure changes to ensure file integrity. Return to the Survey Status screen Next Step: Run Match Report Select: Reports > Run Match Report Save the report: Choose ”Save Target As” to your computer Resolve discrepancies Re-import revised data files Tools > Structure Changes > AE/Outlet Rerun Match Report Must complete successful Match to proceed
Run Tables The summary tables are a useful tool for locating possible data problems while reviewing the Edit Report. Select: Reports>Run Tables Save the Tables to your computer Choose ‘Save Target As’ Table 1: Two-Year Comparison Review state level CY to PY percent changes for large data element increases or decreases Use in conjunction with edit report to confirm or correct data changes Table 2: Two-Year Response Rate Review state level item response rates for large non-responses to any data elements
Run Edit Report The edit report identifies data that flag edit conditions. Return to the Survey Status screen Next Step: Run Edit Report Select: Reports > Run Edit Report Save the report: Two versions (‘by edit number’ and ‘by library name’) Review report for possible data errors. Make data corrections in file and re- import or in update screens (not in edit report). Add annotations to Edit Report and save Import Edit Report with annotations Rerun Edit Report All critical edits must be resolved before the survey can be locked
Survey Lock The Survey Lock officially submits the data as final. Select: Tools>Survey Lock Actions available after Survey Lock View Survey Status Export data View blank survey form Run tables View help documents Access external links Logout
State Librarian Certification This certification by the State Librarian officially states that the data submitted was reviewed and is correct. After Survey Lock, an message is sent to the State Librarian instructing them to electronically certify the accuracy of the data submission.
PLS Contacts Generic Toll Free Numbers: Fax Patty O’Shea Jennifer Scotto J. Andrea Arroyo IMLS Contact: