9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation1 Space Sciences Directorate Status Report to GSFC Diversity Council September 19, 2002
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation2 Diversity Policy Statement “Employees respect individual differences because of the intrinsic respect due every person. All employees, as members of the Space Sciences Directorate, respect, appreciate, and value individual differences so that we can use the strengths afforded by a diverse workforce to better perform our mission through both teamwork and individual creativity.” - Space Sciences Directorate Diversity Management Policy
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation3 Presentation Overview SSD Employee Profile SSD Diversity Management -Status, Actions & Accomplishments Wrap-Up
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation4 FY01FY02Description Total Staff 70% Scientists 14% Engineers 4% AFAM 3%4%Asian/PI 2% Hispanic 91%90%Non-Minority 19%20%Female 54%58%Age >49 83% GS %97%No Disability SSD Demographics have not changed from FY01 to FY02 Scientists and Engineers represent 84% of workforce Minorities represent 10% of workforce, with all groups at roughly same percentage Organization is 80% male 61% of scientists are 50 or older SSD Employee Profile
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation5 On-Board - FY02
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation6 On-Board - FY01
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation7 SSD Diversity Management Strategy 1: Develop employees to their maximum potential Goal 1: Opportunities for growth exist equitably for all employees
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation8 SSD Diversity Management Ensure diverse participation in and recognition for awards Formal Award Opportunities -Labs have peer awards -SSD Managers empowered to make Special Act, Performance and Time-Off Awards -NASA and Goddard Honor Award Recipients : 10 recipients Awards and Recognition goals and actions incorporated in SSD Diversity Management Plan
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation9 Awards FY02
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation10 Awards FY01
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation11 Promotions FY02
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation12 Promotions FY01
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation13 SSD Diversity Management Ensure diverse participation in and recognition for developmental assignments- Formal details requiring paper Five details/rotations occurred during FY02 - included Asian females One IDP detail to SSD from HQ: Asian female
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation14 SSD Diversity Management Promote and expand mentoring opportunities SSD supports the following summer programs: SEICA Auxiliary VSEP (MU-SPIN) NASA Faculty Fellowship Program Summer Faculty VSEP Summer Student (NASIRC) Public Service Intern (Howard University) NASA Academy Program Summer Student Summer Student Volunteers
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation15 SSD Diversity Management Strategy 1: Develop employees to their maximum potential Goal 2: Supportive environment exists for employee development
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation16 SSD Diversity Management Supervisors create supportive environment by encouraging and enabling employees to participate in developmental programs Training broadly encouraged: 356 instances of training in FY02 Diverse participation in a wide range of development programs Employees are encouraged by managers to participate in Supervisory Feedback process
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation17 SSD Diversity Management Supervisors create supportive environment by encouraging and enabling employees to participate in developmental programs GradeEthnicityGenderAgeDisabilitySkill GS-12Non-MinorityFemale30-39NoProf. Admin. GS-12AFAMFemale30-39NoProf. Admin. GS-13Non-MinorityMale40-49No Computer Scientist Three Part-time Graduate Study Program Participants
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation18 SSD Diversity Management Supervisors create supportive environment by encouraging and enabling employees to participate in developmental programs GradeEthnicityGenderAgeDisabilitySkill GS-15Non-MinorityMale40-49NoScientist Leadership and Management Development Course:
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation19 SSD Diversity Management Strategy 2: Create an Inclusive Environment/Culture Goal 1: Environment is well-balanced and stress-reduced
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation20 SSD Diversity Management Develop and execute a Human Capital Management strategy that considers Quality of Work Life (QWL) American Physics Society to perform requested audit of workforce environment from woman’s perspective: -APS Committee on Status of Women in Physics will perform audit on November 7-8 SSD has a represent on the Quality of Work Life (QWL) Program
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation21 SSD Diversity Management Develop and executive a Human Capital Management strategy that considers Quality of Work (QWL) SSD employees have opportunity to exercise a variety of flexible work options -Most employees use flexible work schedules: Alternative Work Schedule: 11 employees Telecommute (regular/intermittent): 12 employees Part-time: 5 employees SSD Social Committee
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation22 SSD Diversity Management Strategy 2: Create an Inclusive Environment/Culture Goal 2: Communication with and among employees is timely and open
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation23 SSD Diversity Management Provide forum for diversity discussion SSD Participation in Diversity Dialogs: -Deputy Director Supervisor Dialogs: 18 -Diversity Dialog Project: 9 non-Supervisors Plan: -Visits to Lab/Office staff meetings to reinforce SSD Diversity objectives and approach -Form SSD Diversity forum with volunteers from Labs/Offices
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation24 SSD Diversity Management Strategy 2: Create an Inclusive Environment/Culture Goal 3: Employees and supervisors are educated on diversity and its value to the GSFC mission
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation25 SSD Diversity Management Make diversity training courses and other in-house resources available for employees SSD Participation in Diversity Training Courses -Diversity: The Value of Mutual Respect »Two Prof. Admin. AFAM Females, GS-14 »Two Clerical Non-Minority Females, GS-7 -Diversity: Building Bridges of Understanding »One Prof. Admin. AFAM Female, GS-14 -Cross Boundaries »One Prof. Admin. Non-Minority Male, GS-12
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation26 SSD Diversity Management Support and Encourage Directorate Diversity Groups Plan: -Visit Lab/Office staff meetings to reinforce SSD Diversity objectives and approach -Refresh manager accountability: Communication Recruitment Career Development and Training Awards and Recognition Implementation and Assessment -Coordination of SSD Diversity Website development/upkeep
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation27 SSD Diversity Management Support Center Diversity appreciation day SSD participated in all facets of Celebrate Goddard Day (CGD) -One SSD representative to Center CGD Committee -SSD created internal SSD CGD working group to plan booth -Eight volunteers staffed a booth at the CGD Expo on the lawn
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation28 SSD Diversity Management Strategy 3: Become an Employer of Choice Goal 1: High Awareness of and respect for diversity Goal 3: Management is accountable for developing and maintaining a diverse workforce
9/19/2002SSD Diversity Presentation29 “Scholars in Space Sciences” co-op program established –Focus is on recruiting high potential minority students –Broaden the diversity of the talent pool for future hires Current ‘class’ - astrophysics, engineering, computer science: –African-American male: 2 –Asian-Pacific male: 1 –Asian-Pacific female: 1 –Hispanic male: 1 –Non-minority female: 1 –Disability: 1 SSD Diversity Management