The Recognition of Prior learning (RPL) Chiangrai Industrial and Community Education College, Thailand OFFICE OF THE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMISSION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION
The national Education act of Thailand 1998 and amend add (copies 2) 2000s text 15. The principle and reason : The Education has 3 types : 1. Formal Education 2. Non formal Education 3. Temperament Education
The temperament Education consist of the recognition of prior learning. The learner can use the education result, worked experience or life experience to transfer to studying unit. Nowadays is the globalization world information, technology, social and economics are developing too fast. The people and the learner have many ways to find the knowledge not only from the school. From this reason the recognition of prior can happen.
The learners can use the education recognize, worked experience or life experience to transfer to the unit of curriculum. The objective :
RPL can doing by 2 ways are : - transfer from non- formal education and temperament education - transfer from subjects / groups subject from formal education and non- formal education. RPL can transfer to vocational certificate and higher vocational certificate by transfer 2 in 3 of the curriculum. The framework :
The benefit from the recognition of prior learning : RPL
● Decrease the repeat subjects / groups subject from the experience. Decrease to studying in class. Economize of money. The learner can studying or training in system. Uneducated can continuous to studying in education system. When the learner graduated, the learner can used the certificate to promote to the high position in the workplace. For learner :
The recognition of prior learning administration curriculum can help the government economize the money and material. The learner studied in competency base curriculum when they are graduated will have knowledge and direct experience skill that the employer needs. For the curriculum :
Have the efficiency employees. Get the quality work from the employees. Economize the money from training staffs. For business :
The other points : The learners can understand to studying for developed their work. Study in the suit points so can safe the time. The learners active to study. The workplace can produce the quality product for the customers.
1.The applicants qualification : 1.1 Be the student in the school or college open in vocational certificate and high vocational certificate curriculum. 1.2 Have the knowledge or experience in subject or group of subject assessment. 1.3 Have at least 3 years work experience. The Recognition of prior Learning : RPL Rules.
2.The assessment condition. By the Ministry of Education with the vocational education and high vocational education curriculum ; 2.1 The students register to have the assessment and can transfer the unit of subject by 2 in 3 from the curriculum structure. 2.2 The student who have the occupation experience or training in the workplace or have the knowledge before study in class can assessment in the subject for except to study in class.
3. The assessment of : RPL 3.1 Basic assessment. - From the government document or workplace document such as certificate or prize. The evidence must be not over 5 years, subject or group of subject must have not at least 60% of training time. - From the interview questions. 3.2 The knowledge and experience assessment - can do by the rule of ministry of education or by the assessment committee.
3.3 The determine assessment and the assessment result. - Determine the assessment by subject curriculum. - Must pass 50% of assessment score. - Use the value of grade from the ministry of education by RPL assessment. 3.4 The assessment step from 3.1 and the college can assess by group or person follow the considering of the college.
4. The assessment persons. The assessment basic committee - The assessment basic committee consist of 3 persons by the assistant director of academic department, the head of curriculum and teaching division and the head of assessment and evaluate be the committee have the duty to assess the evidence from the applicants. The committee of knowledge assessment and experience - The committee of knowledge assessment and experience consist of 3 persons by the head of department, teacher and the expert of occupation be the committee.
The Recognition of Prior learning step chart Compile the assessment Fill the form Basic assessment Inform the assessment Register Registrati on Receive the assessment Record and announce the assessment result Approve the assessment Result Inform the assessment Register to study Not Pass Pas s Keep the evidence
Important words : Knowledge and experience : mean about knowledge, ability, skill, education attitude, training in non-formal, formal or temperament occupations, worked experience include work process. The Recognition of prior learning : RPL mean about process can check the person who register for the recognition of prior learning that have the ability, skill, expert, attitude and the competency habits direct to the curriculum and subjects.