Announcements May 1 st March & Rally – 2pm Civic Center; Closing Rally Chicano Park No office hours today! Fri, 5/10 – please send me a short detailing who you are partnering with as well as some potential subjects you have identified for interview 5/13 – Reflection Paper #1 Due
The Informal Labor of Care Informal vs formal labor Taxed and monitored by governmental agencies; subject to regulation and accountability Domestic work defined by informality at every level: Hiring practice = social networks & reputations Pay scales & employee/employer duties Agencies = formalizing industry for only certain nannies Terminations, resignations, and severance
Maternalism vs Personalism Formal boss-employee relationship vs informal relationship between employer & domestic worker Complicated by labor performed in private sphere Determined by differing positions of privilege & power Maternalism – “a one-way relationship, defined primarily by the employer’s gestures of charity, advice, assistance, and gifts” ( ) White women helping out brown women Personalism – “a two-way relationship, albeit still asymmetrical [that] involves the employer’s recognition of the employee as a particular person” (208) As necessary improvement to invisibility & dehumanization (201)
Cleaning up Master’s House Sotelo’s solution upgrading not abolition (210) Enforce regulations currently on the books concerning wages and hours rather than solely focus on taxes (216) Strengthen formal employment standards and regulation (241) Educate public about domestic work (241) Do not impose previous forms of labor organizing onto domestic workers (227) Yuni Muliyono – a legal victory? Selective recognition before the law and reaffirmation of white supremacy Can we reform and still dismantle the master’s house at the same time?
Big Questions How do we pursue extension & recognition of rights while still recognizing the limits of the nation-state? How do we fight for humane working conditions but still recognize the inhumane logic of capitalism? How do we build solidarity with the 2/3 world while remembering we have the privileges of the 1/3? Educate yourself about the a-bill-of-rights