Using the Electronic Catalogue: the key to finding print and media your library
The School Library website is always your starting point
The general keyword search is your default option
Use subject, title, or author searches as an alternative Use the pull-down menu
hurricanes Type in your search term and click “GO”
No. of hits Local collection Sort Options Lots of helpful information is shown on the screen
Click on any title to get even more information
Check subject Check date Will this title help you research ‘hurricanes’?
Click for more information
Check subject
Click to select titles of interest
Click here to see your list
After you click on ‘My List’ the titles you have selected will be displayed. You can: print the list it to yourself search the stacks
Every secondary school library site also has a visual catalogue Click here to change the catalogue to pictures
Click on the pictures to find titles available in your library
Select a topic
Select a sub-topic
Keep selecting sub-topics, using the pictures...
15 titles found Until the titles appear!
If you don’t find what you need right away, DON’T GIVE UP! Think of synonyms for your search terms (e.g., car = automobile, spousal abuse = domestic violence) Use General Keyword Search to get the largest number of possible titles Ask your teacher-librarian or a library volunteer for assistance