The Nervous System
Define the following terms: Nerve system Receptor Stimulus Neuron Impluses Effector Brain Synapse In paragraph/diagram form, explain how all these terms are related to one another.
Draw a neuron and label the following parts: Cell body Nucelus Axon Schwann Cell Synaptic Knobs
To Do: Explain the difference between nerves, sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons.
Protists Lack nervous system Respond to stimuli in a co- ordinated way Not totally understood, but are able to tell diff. b/n light/harmful chemicals, food/nonfood. Amoeba Feeds! watch?v=W6rnhiMxtKU watch?v=W6rnhiMxtKU
Hydra Has a nerve net Nerve cells form irregular network b/n 2 layers of body wall Impulses cause muscles to respond – E.g. Tentacle touches food impulse travels through organism animal stretches towards food tentacles capture food and stuff into mouth =Zgp7cutpO8o&feature=related =Zgp7cutpO8o&feature=related
Earthworm More complex nervous system Divided into the central and peripheral system – Central: brain + ventral nerve cords – Peripheral: nerves branching to all parts of body Has motor neurons (carry impulses from nerve cords to muscles) and sensory neurons (impulses from receptors in skin to nerve cords)
Grasshopper Similar to the earthworm Made of brain, ventral nerve cord, ganglia (group of cells that co- ordinate impulses) Sense organs are better developed – Has eyes (antennae) or feelers, taste organs, and are sensitive to sound
To Do: Summarize in your notes how the nervous system increases in complexity from the protists to the grasshopper. (Can draw a diagram if it is helpful to you)
Human Nervous System Made up of the central and peripheral system – Central: made of brain, spinal cord, interneurons, and motorneurons. Controls most activities of the body – Peripheral: network of nerves, conduct impulses b/n central nervous system & receptors/effectors of the body
To Do: 1)Draw a concept map of the brain explaining the 3 main parts and the functions they control 2)Outline the 2 main functions of the spinal cord. (~ 4 to 10 minutes) 3)Explain what a reflex is and the process that happens when you touch something hot and your hand withdraws.