PIE Online Surveys Attitudes to and knowledge of working abroad
Part 1 Working and living in another European country
Let’s look at the answers! Yes -71,7% No - 28,3%
How long would like to spend living and working in another European country?
92% want to return home
Improve chances of getting better paid jobs
Broaden horizons
To go travelling
To become more independent
Part 2 Studying in another European country
Studying... Working and living...
More and more young people want to go abroad just for working not for studying.
More impressive CV
To experience foreign education systems
To improve foreign language competence...
To improve chances of getting a good job
To have access to a better quality of course...
Part 3 More about us...
About those who took part in the survey
From the survey 2 out of 3 feel that school prepares them for the world of work.
However there are some differences between the countries
Do you know which skills and experiences are valued by higher education institutions? From the survey 2 out of 3 know which skills and experiences are valued
There are also some differences between the countries
Only 1 in 2 students feel confident about making applications to future employers and higher education institutions...
Part 4 Answers we didn’t expect:)
To be closer to my sister...
To meet beautiful girls...
To meet more and more...
To find a better husband...
For legal marijuana
Amaya Cervera Cliona Donaghy Agata Nastalska Michelle Scharling Sarah Tørslev- Thomassen Darya Markushevskaya Anna Gutcaite Kirsten Krueger Hugh McGuigan