BDII Server Installation and Configuration Manuel Rubio del Solar Extremadura Advanced Research Center (CETA-CIEMAT) 11th EELA Tutorial for Users Sevilla, 10-14th September 2007
This presentation is based on LCG and gLite manuals and previous EELA tutorials
Outline 1.Information System Overview 2.How to install a BDII Server 3.BDII customization and references
Information System Overview
LCG Information System Levels Resource level: Grid Resource Information Server (GRIS) One GRIS on top of each CE, SE, RB, MyProxy (no WNs). Sensors and scripts get status of concrete resources statically (e.g. GlueCEUniqueID) or dynamically (e.g. GlueCEStateWaitingJobs) Site level: Grid Index Information Server (GIIS) Compiles all the information of the different GRISs in a site. LCG-2 recommends using a BDII instead of a GIIS Improves robustness and stability. Called the site BDII. Top level: Berkeley DB Information Index (BDII) Keeps all Grid information about the VOs (generally only one). Stores information from local BDIIs or GIISs in its database. Only queries sites that are included in a configuration file.
Each site can run a BDII. It collects the information coming from the BDIIs/GIISs At each site, a site GIIS collects the information given by the GRISs Local GRISs run on CE, SE, RB, MyProxy at each site and report dynamic and static information Abbreviations: BDII: Berkeley DataBase Information Index GIIS: Grid Index Information Server GRIS: Grid Resource Information Server LCG Information System Hierarchy From LCG2.3.0 site GIIS has been replaced by “site” BDII
LCG Information System Hierarchy RB Local GRIS SE Local GRIS CE Local GRIS BDII-A BDII-B SE Local GRIS SE Local GRIS CE Local GRIS SE Local GRIS BDII-C Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site BDII
Installing BDII Server
Installation Pre-requisites Always verify the deployment of Java SDK NTP daemon APT Latest glite-yaim Check your host certificates in /etc/grid-security and its permissions: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root1127Jun 14 12:27 hostcert.pem -r root root887 Jun 14 12:28 hostkey.pem Firewall must be opened for BDII listening port (2170). On /etc/sysconfig/iptables add -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport j ACCEPT And execute service iptables restart
Glite and Glida Metapackages Usual combination: RB and BDII CE and BDII doesn’t work. MetapackageNode typeDescription glite-BDIIBDIIA top level BDII GILDA_ig_BDII Gilda BDII GILDA_ig_RB_BDII Gilda RB + BDII
site-info.def Fields BDII_FCR: URL of the Freedom of Choice for Resources. (Web interface that provides a facility for VOs to modify resources list available for them on a BDII level, based on their own decision or Sites Functional Test (SFT) results) BDII_HOST: BDII Hostname. BDII_HTTP_URL: List of the GIIS (or site BDII) from which the BDII server fetches the information BDII_REGIONS: List of nodes publishing information on the BDII. BDII_REGIONS="CE SE RB LFC VOBOX PX FTS MON“ BDII_CE_URL="ldap://$CE_HOST:2135/mds-vo-name=local,o=grid" BDII_SE_URL="ldap://$CLASSIC_HOST:2135/mds-vo-name=local,o=grid" … BDII_FTS_URL="ldap://$FTS_HOST:2170/mds-vo-name=resource,o=grid" BDII_MON_URL="ldap://$MON_HOST:2135/mds-vo-name=local,o=grid"
Generic BDII Installation Edit /opt/glite/yaim/examples/site-info.def and use it in all the nodes. Install the metapackage for a BDII /opt/glite/yaim/scripts/install_node./my- site-info.def glite-BDII Configure as BDII node /opt/glite/yaim/scripts/configure_node./my-site-info.def BDII
Gilda BDII Installation (I) Create a directory called BDII in the root directory. ( mkdir /root/BDII ) Copy /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/site- info.def to the recently created directory. Rename the copied file to my-site-info.def
Gilda BDII Installation (II) Modify my-site-info.def and edit this fields: BDII_HOST=(YOUR HOSTNAME) BDII_HTTP_URL=“ bdii-update.conf” bdii-update.conf Install all packages for a Gilda BDII /opt/glite/bin/gilda_ig_install_node /root/BDII/my-site- info.def GILDA_ig_BDII Configure Gilda BDII /opt/glite/bin/gilda_ig_configure_node /root/BDII/my-site- info.def GILDA_ig_BDII
BDII Server Testing & Customization
Test Your New BDII Server Issue an ldapsearch to check if BDII is correctly publishing the information: ldapsearch -x -h grid-XXX -p b mds-vo-name=local,o=grid Logged into a User Interface machine use lcg-infosites: export LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS=grid-XXX lcg-infosites --vo gilda se
BDII customization BDII log files in /opt/bdii/var/bdii.log BDII configuration files in /opt/bdii/etc bdii.conf: BDII_PORT_READ=2170 BDII_PORTS_WRITE=" " BDII_USER=edguser BDII_BIND=mds-vo-name=local,o=grid BDII_PASSWD=23385 BDII_SEARCH_FILTER='(|(objectClass=GlueSchemaVersion)(objectClass=GlueTop))' BDII_SEARCH_TIMEOUT=30 BDII_BREATHE_TIME=60 -- every 2 minutes BDII cache is refreshed BDII_AUTO_UPDATE=yes - set to no if you want to create a static list of GIIS BDII_AUTO_MODIFY=yes BDII_DIR=/opt/bdii/ BDII_UPDATE_URL= BDII_UPDATE_LDIF= update.ldif SLAPD=/usr/sbin/slapd SLAPADD=/usr/sbin/slapadd
BDII Customization Example: Change BDII_UPDATE_URL to: deployment/gis/lcg2-bdii/dteam/lcg2-all-sites.conf Restart the service with: /etc/init.d/bdii restart Give a look to the new information published by the service /opt/bdii/etc/bdii-update.conf contains the list of GIIS:... INFN-CATANIA ldap://,o=grid # INFN-CNAF ldap://,o=grid # INFN-PADOVA ldap:// padova,o=grid # IISAS-BRATISLAVA ldap:// gilda,o=grid # ULA-MERIDA ldap://,o=grid …
BDII References LCG-2 User Guide UserGuide.html gLite 3.0 User Guide UserGuide.pdf gLite 3.0 installation manual ion/LCG2-Manual-Install BDII Documentation: bin/wiki.cgi?area=bdii&page=documentation Information System Trouble Shooting Guide
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