Audio Timeline By Leighton Weber
1878 The first music was put on a record. The song was Yankee Doodle. The artist was Jules Levy.
1881 The stereo effect were accidentally created. Clement Ader did this. He was using carbon microphones and armature headphones and other people liked the stereo effect.
1888 Edison introduced an electronic, motor driven phonograph.
1895 Marconi experimented his wireless telegraphy system in Italy and it was a success.
1898 The telegraph recorded magnetically on steel wire.
1901 The Victor Talking Machine Company was founded by Emile Berliner and Eldridge Johnson. Experimental recordings were made on motion picture films.
1906 Lee DeForest invented the triode vacuum tube. A triode vacuum tube was the first electronic signal amplifier.
1910 Enrico Caruso was heard through the first live broadcast. Metropolitan Opera, New York City.
1912 Major Edwin F. Armstrong was issued a patent for a regenerative circuit. This made radio reception practical.
1913 The first “talking movie” was demonstrated by Edison. He demonstrated it by using his Kinetophone process, a cylinder player mechanically synchronized to a film projector.
1917 The Scully disk recording lathe was introduced.
1919 The Radio Corporation of America, or the RCA, was founded.
1929 The “Nyquist Theorem” was published by Harry Nyquist. The Nyquist Theorem is the mathematical foundation for the sampling theorem basic to all digital audio processing.
1932 The first cardioid ribbon microphone was patented by Dr. Harry F. Olsen of RCA. It used a field coil instead of permanent magnet.
1933 Snow, Fletcher, and Steinberg at Bell Labs transmited the first inter- city stereo audio program.
1935 AEG, in Germany, exhibited its “Magnetophon” Model K-1 at the Berlin Radio Exposition.
1936 BASF made the first recording of a symphony concert.
1939 Western Electrics designed the first motional feedback, vertical- cut disk recording head.
1941 Commercial FM broadcasting began in the U.S.
Later in 1941 Arthur Haddy devised the first motional feedback, lateral- cut disk recording head. This was later used to cut his “ffrr” high- fidelity recordings.
1942 The RCA LC-1 loudspeaker was developed as a reference- standard control- room monitor.
1947 Ampex produced its first tape recorder, the Model 200.
1948 The Audio Engineering Society was formed in New York.
1949 RCA introduced the microgroove 45 rpm, large- hole, 7 inch record and record changer/ adaptor.
1954 RCA introduces its polydirectional ribbon microphone, the 77DX.
1956 Les Paul made the first 8 track recording. He did so using the “Sel- Sync” method.
1965 The Dolby Type A, noise reduction system was introduced.
1967 The Broadway musical, Hair, opened using a high- powered sound system.
1976 Dr. Stockham from Soundstream made the first 16- bit digital recording system.
1980 A multitrack digital recorder was introduced. It was introduced by Sony, Studer, and Mitsubishi in the same year.
1981 The Compact Disc, or a CD, was demonstrated.
1983 Fiber- optic cable was used for long distance audio transmission. It linked New York and Washington DC.
1986 Dr. Gunther Theile introduced the “sphere microphone.”
1991 Alesis unveiled the ADAT. ADAT was the first affordable, mutitrack recorder.
The End Thank you for watching!!