Strings to LHC II Fireflies Ashram, Bangalore 18 December - 23 December Spenta R. Wadia 19 December, 2007
Concept ICTS has been conceived to contribute to the growth of excellence in the basic sciences in India It is a multi-disciplinary effort with a human resource development component
Function and Activities ICTS will provide a platform to organize scientific programs in traditional areas and their interconnections Non-traditional and interdisciplinary areas will be emphasized –biological physics, computational science, complex systems, fluids, the interface between cosmology, particle physics and string theory, new emergent areas of mathematics with aplications to biology, finance etc etc…
….. The Centre will facilitate interaction between theory and experiment in the physical, chemical and biological sciences Researchers will meet for extended periods of time in order to foster discussions and collaborations
Education In the sphere of education the Centre will run refresher and training programs for faculty and senior graduate students Such interactive programs of the Centre will contribute to elevating the standards of teaching and research in Indian universities
Service Informatique An important aspect of the Centre will be to make freely available the proceedings of its activities in various formats. To facilitate this, the Centre has begun a Service Infomatique This facility will try to make scientific activities of the Centre accessible to institutions and universities in India and also worldwide
Location ICTS is searching for an appropriate location within India
Programs: Physics Correlated Electrons and Frustrated Magnetism (Winter 2007) From Strings to LHC II (Winter 2007) String Theory (Monsoon 2008) Initial Conditions in Heavy Ion Collisions (Fall 2008) Cosmology with Cosmic Microwave Background (Winter 2008) Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (Winter 2008)
Interdisciplinary Mathematical Biology (Spring 2008) Mathematical Finance Models for Securities in India (Fall 2008) Single Particle to Collective Phenomena in Cell Biology (Winter 2008)
Computer Science Quantum Information Processing (Winter ) Randomness and Computation (Fall 2008) Graphical Models, Statistical Inference and Algorithms (Winter )
Mathematics Galois Representations and Modular Forms (Fall 2007) Program on Arithmatic Geometry (Spring 2008) Bundles and related topics (Spring 2008) Special semester on topics in Arithmatic Geometry (July-Dec. 2008) Affine Algebraic Geometry (Winter 2008)
April 2009 and beyond… Program proposals are invited. You can write to: ICTS website (under construction)
Acknowledgement Thanks very much to –the organizing committee: Rohinini Godbole, Sunil Mukhi, K. Sridhar and Sandip Trivedi for conceiving and organizing this execellent program –the lecturers and participants Special thanks to –Rajan Pawar, Mohan Shinde and Ajay Salve for dedicated secretarial and systems support