Service to the Mathematical Community Karen Batt Stanish Keene State College SPWM 1995 Joint Mathematics Meetings SPWM Reunion Baltimore, MD January 16, 2014
Tenure-Track Faculty 1.Teaching 2.Scholarship/Research Professional 3.Service Identity
Mathematical Association of America The Mathematical Association of America is the largest professional society that focuses on mathematics accessible at the undergraduate level. Our members include university, college, and high school teachers; graduate and undergraduate students; pure and applied mathematicians; computer scientists; statisticians; and many others in academia, government, business, and industry. We welcome all who are interested in the mathematical sciences. The mission of the MAA is "to advance the mathematical sciences, especially at the collegiate level."
Mathematical Association of America This mission guides our core interests: Education Research Professional Development Public Policy Public Appreciation We pursue these interests through extensive programs, meetings, and publications, well over one hundred national committees, and 29 regional sections
Sections of the MAA Source:
My Service to the NES/MAA Undergraduate Student Paper Coordinator Fall 2005-Spring 2008 Section NExT Coordinator Fall 2008-Spring 2011 Vice Chair Nov Nov Section Chair Nov Nov Section Past Chair Nov Nov. 2015
Other Section Roles Secretary/Treasurer Newsletter Editor Webmaster Communication Coordinator Student Competition Coordinator Contributed Papers Coordinator New Colleagues Papers Coordinator Graduate Student Papers Coordinator Activity Grants Coordinator
Help Plan a Section Meeting Program Committee Invites Speakers Puts together the program of the meeting Mix of junior and senior faculty members Local Arrangements Committee Arranges locations, food, registrations, website, etc. Good role for detail oriented people
How can I get involved in my section? 1.Attend a section meeting and/or Section NExT activity 2.Volunteer for a role in which you have an interest or ability
National MAA Service Project NExT Apply to be a Project NExT Fellow Help organize Project NExT sessions Serve as a Project NExT Consultant MAA Committees Can nominate yourself, nominate others, or others can nominate you Department Liaisons Serve as a communication link between your department and the MAA
Other Professional Organizations American Mathematical Society (AMS) Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Society for Industrial and Applies Mathematics (SIAM) Special Interest Groups of the MAA (SIGMAAs)
Questions? Karen Batt Stanish