What is Educational/School Management ?. Learning Outcomes Concepts & Models of Educational Administration Students are able to: Explain concepts pertaining.


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Presentation transcript:

What is Educational/School Management ?

Learning Outcomes Concepts & Models of Educational Administration Students are able to: Explain concepts pertaining to educational administration/management Explain the importance of balancing managerial and leadership behaviors Elaborate the process of administration Utilizing organizational framework to explain the process of management Explain the limitation of bureaucracies and scientific assumptions in managing an educational institution

Administration Administration is a process concerned with planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling resources within an integrated system designed to accomplish predetermined objectives (Henri Fayole, 1949) Educational administration is a discipline within the study of education that examines the administrative theory and practice of education in general and educational institutions and educators in particular. The field ideally distinguishes itself from administration and management through its adherence to guiding principles of educational philosophy. (Wikipedia)

National Key Result Areas NKRA (Bidang Keberhasilan Utama) Reducing crime Fighting corruption Improving student outcome Raising living standard of low-income households Improving rural infrastructure Improving urban public transport

Education NKRA The four (4) thrusts: 1.72% enrolment across 4+ and 5+ cohorts by % literacy and numeracy by 2010 (LINUS screening Literacy and Numeracy Screening) 3.Target of 20 HPS (High Performing Schools) by % of principals rewarded by 2010

Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia ( ) 11 Anjakan: Menyediakan kesamarataan akses kepada pendidikan berkualiti bertaraf antarabangsa Memastikan setiap murid profisien dalam bahasa Malaysia dan bahasa Inggeris Melahirkan rakyat Malaysia yang menghayati nilai Transformasi keguruan sebagai profesion pilihan Memastikan pemimpin berprestasi tinggi ditempatkan di setiap sekolah

Mengupaya JPN, PPD dan sekolah untuk menyediakan penyelesaian khusus berasaskan keperluan Memanfaatkan ICT bagi meningkatkan kualiti pembelajaran di sekolah Transformasi kebolehan dan keupayaan penyampaian pendidikan Bekerjasama dengan ibu bapa, komuniti dan sektor swasta secara meluas Memaksimumkan keberhasilan murid bagi setiap ringgit Meningkatkan ketelusan akauntabiliti awam

Current Scenario Currently there are 325,000 children aged 5 and 6 yrs either not attending pre-school at all or attending non-registered pre-schools No of students who have not reached targeted literacy standard by end of year One (2008) :54,272/13% Numeracy standard by year four (2008): 117,024 (24%) Ratio of remedial teachers to schools from 1:1 to 1:15

High Performing Schools Excellent academic achievement Towering personalities National and International awards Linkages with institutions of higher learning Strong network with other local and international schools, community, public and private organizations Nationally and internationally benchmarked

Effective School Leaders Instructional leadership Primary change agents Create a orderly and safe environment (An improvement of 1 Standard Deviation in leadership quality improves student achievement 10 percentile points)

Among The Stakeholders SchoolsStudentsTeachers Preschools 163,746 Elementary 7,6952, ,449 Secondary 2,2482,344,891175,267 Jumlah 9,8435, ,716

According to Cunningham and Cordeiro (2000) administration is divided into two major areas of responsibility, namely: Leadership Management

Leadership is: The process of influencing group activities toward the achievement of goals Influencing, guiding in direction, course, action and opinion Effective influence Building cohesive and goal-oriented teams Persuading others to sublimate their own self interests and adopt the goals of a group as their own Persuading other people to set aside … their individual concerns and to pursue a common goal that is important for the … welfare of a group (Bass & Stogdill, 1990)

Management Leading is guiding improvement and infusing an organization with meaning and purpose Management is involved with steward-ship and accountability for all types of resources (Cunningham and Cordeiro, 2000) Management also focuses on implementing routines in an organization and ensuring its smooth operation. Doing the right things vs. Doing things right (Peter Drucker, 1954) You manage within a paradigm you lead between paradigms (Joel Barker, 1992)

Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; Leadership is about determining whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall (Your thoughts!) This indicates that management is about accomplishing tasks, whereas leadership is about perception, judgment, skill and philosophy

Loose Coupling Loose coupling “Educational Organisations as Loosely Coupled Systems” (Weick 1976) The school organization as a combination of loosely coupled system The elements of an educational organization are frequently only loosely coupled together. Karl Weick (1976) suggests that the subsystem (elements) are responsive to each other but that each still preserves its own identity and its own physical and logical separateness.

Five Functions and Two Dimensions of Principalship The five functions: Curriculum development (Internal) Instructional improvement (Internal) Student services (Internal) Financial and facility management (Internal) Community relations (External) Two dimensions Managerial behaviors Leadership behaviors (Larry Hughes and Gerald Ubben, 1989) Implications?

The Organizational Iceberg Formal Stated goals Written objectives Policies and procedures Job descriptions

Informal Individual needs, desires, feelings Differences in ideas about roles and missions Power and influence patterns Competitions and alliances Views of relevance and importance of work Feelings of trust and confidence Individual values Skills and abilities (Hughes and Ubben, 1989)

Pengurusan Pengurusan mencakupi bagaimana sumber-sumber seperti kewangan, manusia dan alat digembeleng dan digunakan untuk mencapai matlamat organisasi. Ia juga tertumpu kepada isu-isu berhubung dengan tingkah laku ahli organisasi iaitu bagaimana motivasi, sikap, kepakaran dan daya ahli-ahli itu dipertingkat supaya organisasi tersebut mencapai tahap prestasi yang dikehendaki (Shukur, 1988)

Functions of Administration Plan Organize Direct Coordinate Control/evaluate

Demands, Constraints, Choices Demands: Things that principals must do. Determined by: school outcome specifications, legal requirements, rules and regulations, and etc. Constraints: Determined by norms and values that exist in school/community, availability of human and material resources, and etc. Choices: Opportunities to do the same things differently and to do other things that are not required or prohibited. Rosemary Stewart 1982

Minzberg 10 Managerial Roles Interpersonal: Figurehead role Leader role Liaison role Informational: Nerve center role Disseminator role Spokesman role Decisional role: Entrepreneur role Disturbance handling role Resource allocator role Negotiator role

Process of Administration PPlanning OOrganizing SStaffing DDirecting CoCoordinating RReporting BBudgeting Luther Gulick (1937)

Conceptual Framework and School Organization Classical Theory Division of labour Span of control Hierarchy Goal definition Extrinsic rewards Formal rules

Social System Human relations Informal groups Peer pressures Intrinsic rewards Psychological needs Open System Theory Input-output Cycle of events Environmental exchanges Information theory

Bureaucratic Administration Hierarchical structure Division of labor Control by rules Impersonal relationships Career orientation According to Weber, these principles should lead an organization toward higher levels of maximum efficiency

Scientific Management Frederick Taylor (14 Point) 1.Efficiency is measured solely in terms of productivity. 2.Human beings are assumed to act rationally: Important considerations in management are only those which involve individuals and groups of individuals heading logically toward their goals. 3.Members need detailed guidance from their superiors therefore they do not value the freedom of determining their own approaches to problems. 4.Clear limits to jobs need to be defined and enforced 5.It is possible to predict and establish clear-cut patterns of future activities and the relationships among activities.

6.Human beings prefer the security of a definite task 7.Management involves primarily the formal and official activities of individuals 8.The activities of a group should be viewed on an objective and impersonal basis without regard to personal problems and characteristics 9.Workers are motivated by economic needs 10.People do not like to work, therefore should be supervised closely

11.Coordination should be planned and directed from the top 12.Authority has its source at the top of a hierarchy and is delegated downward 13.Simple tasks are easier to master therefore a narrow scope of activity is more preferable. 14.Managerial functions have universal characteristics

Formal and Informal Organization Formal organization (Organizational Iceberg): Authority Formal structure Rules, roles, span of control Standard Operating Procedures Division of labor Channels of communication Chain-of-command

Informal organization: Coalitions, psychological needs, power, informal leadership, conflict, grapevine, morale, informal norms, sentiment, social codes, loyalty, multiple perspectives, friendship bonds, personal goals, emotional feelings, risk-taking behavior School administrators/managers who do not understand how the informal organization operates in their schools are in real trouble!

The Limits of Traditional Management Theory The usefulness of this theory ends 1.where nonlinear conditions begin 2.Loosely structured conditions begin 3.The goal is to bring about extraordinary commitment and performance

Nonlinear conditions: Dynamic environments Loose management connections Tight cultural connections Multiple and competing goals Unstructured tasks Competing solutions Difficult-to-measure outcomes Unsure operating procedures Indeterminate consequences of actions Unclear and competing lines of authority

Loosely structured conditions One noticeable example is the connection of teachers to rules Schools are managerially loose but culturally tight Ordinary and extraordinary commitment and performance A fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay? Reasons for such phenomena: The theory is based on authority The theory is based on standardization and routinization

NASSP Research on Successful School Administration The ability to: 1.Plan and organize work 2.Work and lead others 3.Analyze and solve problems 4.Communicate orally and in writing 5.Perceive the needs and concerns of others 6.Perform under pressure Condensed from the 12 discrete skills

Tugas Utama Pengetua/Guru Besar Pengurus kurikulum (ikhtisas) Pembangunan diri pelajar Pengurusan dan pembangunan Pelajar Pengurusan personel Kewangan Kemudahan fizikal Pembangunan organisasi dan diri Pembangunan kendiri

Skills needed Leadership Problem analysis Decision making Implementing Delegation Supervising and motivating Interpersonal sensitivity Oral and written communication Research measurement evaluation Legal, policy and political applications Public relations Technology

Operational Areas Curriculum and instruction Human resource development Finance Research and development Business and logistics Physical plant Pupil personnel

Ethical standards Honesty Integrity Promise keeping Fidelity Fairness Concern for others Respect for others Law abiding/civic duty Pursuit of excellence Personal accountability

Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards for School Leaders A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by: Standard 1: Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community Standard 2: Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and an instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth

Standard 3: Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for safe, efficient, and effective learning environment Standard 4: Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing resources Standard 5: Acting with integrity, and in an ethical manner. Standard 6: Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.