MIS 605 Class presentations Socio-technical theory Group1 Members 1.Simon Wasike 2.John Njau Muriithi 3.Francis Timonah 4.Eliud Murithi 5.Franciscah Waihenya 1Tuesday, November 24, 2015DIS 605 : Social-Technical Theory
Summary of the theory Socio-technical theory (STT) hypothesizes the presence of two subsystems in every organization or corporate; they are the technical sub-system and the social sub-system Socio-technical refers to the inter-relatedness of social and technical aspects of an organization. Socio (of people and society) and technical (of machines and technology) is combined to give ‘socio- technical’. 2Tuesday, November 24, 2015DIS 605 : Social-Technical Theory Socio-technical Model (Kowalski, 1994)
The technical sub-system (TS) The processes, knowledge base, and technology responsible for the conversion of system inputs into system outputs and provide outputs or services to customers in the organization The Social sub-system (SS) The human element of the organization capable of innovation and adaptable to change. ♣ At the micro level; embodies characteristics such as individual motivation, group performance, communication, flexibility, involvement, autonomy, commitment and satisfaction. ♣ At a macro level; represents organizational culture and organizational design, and Set of technical control tasks to be performed by people. 3Tuesday, November 24, 2015DIS 605 : Social-Technical Theory
Compatibility: Information system has to be compatible with the surrounding social system, that is, the user and the organizational environments. 1.Feature Blending Socio-technical model should combine the features of the information system, the user and the organizational environments. Therefore, technical and organizational systems are equally important and that the lack of fit between social and technical systems is the primary cause of information systems problems. 4Tuesday, November 24, 2015DIS 605 : Social-Technical Theory Assumptions in socio-technical approach
The interaction of social and technical factors creates the conditions for successful /unsuccessful organizational performance. ♣ Individual level; The TS affects work design, productivity, self-perceptions, and psychological contracts. ♣ Functional unit or department level; The TS affects roles structures, physical layout, interaction patterns, and supervisory behavior. ♣ Organization level; The TS affects relationships among departments, organizational structure, reward systems, organizational flexibility, and overall competitiveness. Therefore, at each level of analysis the technical subsystem has a different type of interaction with the social subsystem. 5Tuesday, November 24, 2015DIS 605 : Social-Technical Theory Interaction of social and technical factors
♣ Technical System: Evaluate the level of complexity and innovation ♣ Environmental System: check on complexity and stability ♣ Technical/Environmental Interface: analyze strategic goals, risk, and existing relationships. ♣ Social System: Check on the Skill requirements, and employment requirements, ♣ Work Design: Review the Individual or group task design, structure, integration, information flow, control, and rewards 6Tuesday, November 24, 2015DIS 605 : Social-Technical Theory Variables in Social-Technical Theory
Case I: Socio-Technical Analysis of Information Systems Security Assurance. Case Study for Effective Assurance by Job Asheri Chaula, Stockholm University Department of Computer and Systems Sciences. Abstract: In this thesis a socio-technical framework is used to examine culture, usability problems, security internal controls, security requirements and re-use of security requirements of TANESCO IS systems. TANESCO is the energy utility company in Tanzania where the case study was conducted. Results show that culture affects the way people approach IS security. Also results show that the socio-technical framework is effective in modeling systems security and its environment. The overall purpose of this thesis has been to develop a framework for information systems security assurance. The resulting framework of thinking brings together numerous assurance concepts into a coherent explanation that should be useful for any organization or evaluators seeking to understand the underlying principals of systems security assurance. It contains organizational, cultural, and technical issues that should be looked at when considering and applying systems security assurance methods and techniques. 7Tuesday, November 24, 2015DIS 605 : Social-Technical Theory Research articles on STT.
Case II: A socio-technical framework for cyber-infrastructure design Implication for Korean cyber- infrastructure vision By Dong-Hee Shin, Department of Interaction Science Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea. Abstract: This study presents a practical case application of socio-technical framework to assess and predict the development of cyber-infrastructure (CI) in Korea. Applying a socio-technical system approach to CI, the paper attempted to gain a clear understanding of how CI will evolve and stabilize in the cyber environment. It investigates the complex interaction between social and technical aspects of CI by highlighting the co- evolving nature, diversity, and interface which constitute the next generation network environment. It describes the challenges in developing, deploying, and maintaining the diverse components of CI and provides a snapshot of Korea's current approach to supporting members in meeting this challenge. The purpose of this study is to provide insight into these challenges and opportunities by offering a socio- technical analysis of CI development involving the social dynamics and organizational, policy, management, and administration decisions inherent in the design and development of CI. 8Tuesday, November 24, 2015DIS 605 : Social-Technical Theory Research articles on STT…...
Adoption of ICT in Kenya has brought tremendous opportunities but also serious technological and social-cultural challenges; especially from the governmental platforms. Therefore, there is need for qualitative modeling to guide the ICT revolution in the face of the current the technical, legal, political, social-cultural and economic. This will form the guiding policy framework to support projects on platform like, e-government, PPP and vision 2013, some of whom are currently facing discretion by public officials and transparency challenges. 9Tuesday, November 24, 2015DIS 605 : Social-Technical Theory Research problem to be used in MIS familiar to students
Thank You 10Tuesday, November 24, 2015DIS 605 : Social-Technical Theory