11/24/2015Dr. SASTRY-PROJ S/W Engineering Software Project Management S D L C Program Development
11/24/2015Dr. SASTRY-PROJ What is a Project A Special Activity (Not A Routine Activity) Generally involves One-time Effort Has a defined Goal Has specific Scope Has definite Duration Has a Budget Needs Resources Needs Organising, Communicating, Record Keeping and Analyzing Needs to be Managed (Projects do not ‘just happen’)
11/24/2015Dr. SASTRY-PROJ COMPUTER SYSTEM PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PROJ 350) l Engineering Project Management (Plan, Estimate, execute, Get Feed-back, Modify, Organize & Maintain) l Methodologies (PERT, CPM, Gantt ) l Software Tools (MS_Project ) l Project Planning l Tasks and Priorities l Deliverables l Estimating Resources l Scheduling l Monitoring l Managing l Closing the Project
11/24/2015Dr. SASTRY-PROJ Project Phases Requirements Engineering (Study) Project Feasibility Report / Proposal Analysis ( S.R.S) Design (S.D.D) Development (Drawings & Code) Testing (Test Plans and Reports) Live Implementation Maintenance
11/24/2015Dr. SASTRY-PROJ Base_Line of a project A Base_Line is ‘a snapshot of the project that can be used to compare against changes that it undergoes as it progresses towards completion’ A Base_line as per IEEE Std is ‘A specification or a product that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, that thereafter serves as the basis of further development, and that can be changed only through formal change control procedures’
11/24/2015Dr. SASTRY-PROJ Base_Line Documents of a project Project Proposal or Definition Document Project Plan Gantt Charts, Project NetWork Diagrams, P E R T charts etc; Agreements System Requirement Specification System Design Document Test Plans and Test Reports Progress Reports Other Legal Documents (Environment clearences, Safety and Electrical & Telecom Clearences etc;)
SOFTWARE PROJECT PLAN OUTLINE : SCOPE Project objectives. Major functions. Other characteristics. Development Scenario / Development platforms. RESOURCES Human Resources, Hardware Resources & Software Resources. Availability windows. GRAY AREAS Identification of Gray Areas. Efforts required from buyer of software and from supplier of software to estimate, evaluate and resolve Gray Areas.
l COSTS : This can be reviewed by the steering Committee if there are any differences between the buyer of the software and supplier of software. After the estimates are presented here, the actual cost can be worked out by applying these estimates on the rates prevailing as fixed and escalation terms. These will be discussed in commercial terms. Here, at this point of software project plan, the estimates of the efforts will be signed off by both supplier of software and the buyer of software. l SCHEDULE Task network l Gant chart / Bar chart l Task resource table l The software project plan mainly will be a consequence of function and performance allocations performed as part of the systems engineering study of the project planning phase. Estimation is accomplished using one of a number of techniques that also rely on historical productivity data as well as the methodology that is chosen. 11/24/2015Dr. SASTRY-PROJ SOFTWARE PROJECT PLAN OUTLINE Continued
11/24/2015Dr. SASTRY-PROJ Software Design Description/Specification (SDD) (SDD, Baseline Document, Culmination of Design, complete Design Description, Modules, Data Bases, Files and Program Specifications, Test Plans / Schemes, Modularity, Control and cohesion ( Ref: IEEE ) ) 1.0) Scope 1.1 System Objectives 1.2 Hardware Software and Human Interfaces 1.3 Major Software Functions 1.4 Externally Defined data Base 1.5 Major Design Constraints, limitations 2) Reference Documents 2.1 Existing Software Documentation 2.2 System Documentation 2.3 Vendor (Hardware or Software ) Documents 2.4 Technical Reference
11/24/2015Dr. SASTRY-PROJ Software Design Description/Specification (SDD Continued 1) 3) Design Description 3.1 Data Description 3.1.1) Review of Data Flow 3.1.2) Review of Data Structure 3.2 Derived Program Structure 3.3 Interfaces within Structure 4.0) Modules For Each Module: 4.1 Processing Narrative 4.2 Interface Description 4.3 Design Language (or Other) description 4.4 Modules Used 4.5 Data Organization 4.6 Comments
11/24/2015Dr. SASTRY-PROJ Software Design Description/Specification (SDD Continued 2) 5.0) File Structure and Global Data 5.1 External File Structure Logical Structure Logical Record Description Access Method 5.2 Global Data 4.3 File and Data Cross Reference 6.0 Requirements Cross Reference 7.0 Test Provisions 7.1 Test Guidelines 7.2 Integration Strategy 7.3 Special Considerations 8.0 Packaging 8.1 Special Program Overlay Provisions 8.2 Transfer Considerations 9.0 Special Notes 10.0 Appendices
SCHEDULE l Task network l Gant chart / Bar chart l Task resource table l The software project plan mainly will be a consequence of function and performance allocations performed as part of the systems engineering study of the project planning phase. Estimation is accomplished using one of a number of techniques that also rely on historical productivity data as well as the methodology that is chosen. 11/24/2015Dr. SASTRY-PROJ