SOCIRES Social Responsibilities Training and Certification Schema Agreement Nr.: / 001 – 001, Project Nr.: LLP SI-LEONARDO-LMP mag. Marjetka Strle Vidali Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo Šmartinska cesta 152, SI-1000 Ljubljana SLOVENSKI INŠTITUT ZA STANDARDIZACIJO Slovenian Institute for Standardization This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
2 Motivation for the project We live in a society of interdependence. (Greater than ever!) Behavior of each individual or organization influences many, many others. Socially responsible behavior improves our lives!
4 Content Project objectives Potential users of project results Project duration, budget Project partners Planned project results Project status Conclusion
5 Project Objectives 1.Development of training and certification schema for social responsibility area 2.Development of Training Package for Social Responsibility Manager (SOCIRES) Training material: structure and content for trainings, exercises Pool of Exam questions Development of eLearning Portal (Portal available and Content of training material uploaded) 3.Trials of the training package and certification schema on 260 participants 4.Assurance of sustainability of SOCIRES training program Trainings (80 participants) Train the Trainers (16 Trainers) Introduction into ECQA schema ( 5.Dissemination of information about importance of the Social responsibility topic on the market
6 Project Objectives (2/2) Social Responsibility Manager (SRM) will obtain knowledge on: core principles of social responsibilities (as defined in ISO 26000), other models and related knowledge (like Ethics in Business) identification of organization's SR stakeholders, methods for analyzing the alignment of business processes to SR requirements, definition of SR processes in org. and improvement of business processes, SR related monitoring and relevant models for reviewing SRs continuous improvement of SR, etc.
7 Potential users of project results Need for SR skilled employees in: companies / organizations – to improve own SR awareness and status governmental and other important decision making bodies - to monitor the SR influence and status of certain organizations in local environment non-governmental bodies and organizations aiming to improve SR status in society – to manage own activities more efficiently
8 Project duration, budget Lifelong Learning Programme, LEONARDO DA VINCI, Multilateral projects for Development of innovation Project Start: Project End: Duration: 24 months Project budget: EUR EU Funding: EUR (73 %) Co-financing by Partners: EUR (27 %)
9 Project partners 1.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo, Slovenia, co-ordinator 2.proHUMAN d.o.o., Slovenia, technical coordinator 3.Gustav-Siewerth Akademie, Germany 4.SIBAC Gmbh, Germany 5.Universidad de Alcalá, Spain 6.I.S.C.N. GesmbH, Austria 7.Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece 8.Dennis Gabor College, Hungary (*to be approved, replacing Corvinus, Hungary)
10 Planned project results 3-01 Dissemination Material 3-02 Dissemination events 4-01 SOCIRES Skill Card 4-02 SOCIRES Training material - Trial version 4-03 SOCIRES Exam Pool 5-01 SOCIRES Learning portal 5-02 User Manual for eLearning portal 6-01 Trial trainings in SI, DE, ES, EL, HU 6-02 Report on Trial Trainings 7-01 Final version of SOCIRES Training Material EN 7-02 Translated SOCIRES Training Material SL, HU, ES, EL, DE
11 Planned project results (2/2) 8-01 Train the Trainers Event 8-02 Trainings of 160 participants 8-03 Establishment of ECQA Committee for SOCIRES 8-04 Sustainability Plan Results related to project management: 1-01 Consortium Cooperation Procedures 1-02 Project Status and Administration/Reporting 1-03 Communication and version management system 2-01 Quality Management Plan 2-02 Package of Quality Review Reports
12 mag. Marjetka Strle Vidali Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo Šmartinska cesta 152, SI-1000 Ljubljana