Enhanced instruction for engaged learners using the
A presentation by WVPT Education Services Bly Brown Companion wiki located at
What is an iPod Touch? Portable media player Personal digital assistant First iPod with wireless access 8, 32 or 64 GB of flash memory Touchscreen
Pre-loaded with applications with icons on the home screen
Syncing and setting preferences
iTunes U
iTunes U Virginia
Educational Value of the Touch Engages and empowers learners Promotes student creativity and problem solving Variety of “apps” to support and stimulate learning in all curriculum areas
Educational Podcasts Audio or video (enhanced podcasts) Easy to access Anytime, anywhere learning Constantly changing Easy to create and share
Use in education Enhance the curriculum Promote programs and activities Archive lessons Professional development
Discovery-streaming and the iPod Touch /
3 Winning Apps for Middle School
Finding and downloading apps
Apps, apps, and…
more apps.