Coordination de l’information géographique et des systèmes d’information géographique Coordinazione dell‘informazione geografica e dei sistemi di informazione geografica Coordination of geographic information and geographic information systems Koordination der Geoinformation und geografischen Informationssysteme
April 03COGISFolie 2 Mission Organisation Strategy for Geo-information National Spatial Data Infrastructure
April 03COGISFolie 3 COGIS ensures: movement towards a better promotion of geographical information, its methods and tools; agreement on a common strategy for geographical information and GIS; coordination of acquisition, diffusion and pricing policies related to geographical data; the promotion in the use of tools and standards for modeling and geographical data exchange. Mission
April 03COGISFolie 4 COGIS administratively attached to swisstopo
April 03COGISFolie 5 Organisation of KOGIS niveau décisionnel niveau opérationnel
April 03COGISFolie 6 Actual problems Lack of coordination (data producers in the public sector) Lack of meta data Prices Copyrights and licensing Different data formats Lack of full coverage (cadastral data)
April 03COGISFolie 7 Basic Geo-information shall be available easily and on simple terms National Spatial Data Infrastructure for the whole country shall be established Coordination with the cantons and communities Personal data protection, copyright and liability taken into consideration New legal bases to be established if needed Standards for data producing and transfer (metadata, modelling, formats) Federal strategy for geoinformation The federal strategy for geoinformation passed by the federal council in June 2001
April 03COGISFolie 8 With first priority this strategy is directed at the creation of a national spatial data infrastructure (NSDI) with: –a permanent interconnection of the services in connection with the geodata – not only within the federal administration, but also in connection with the cantonal authories in this area –the definition of a general pricing- and sales strategy, facilitating the access to the geodata > COGIS concentrated its efforts in 2002 on the preparation of an implementation concept for the federal strategy for geoinformation. Federal strategy for geoinformation
April 03COGISFolie 9 Easy available Optimal offer Favourable prices Transparency Impact Political economics profit added value for: public sector (Federal, Cantons, Communes) Organisations (private sector, science etc.) Public Enlarged use National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services Political economics profit, Impact and the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
April 03COGISFolie 10 Easy available Optimal offer Favourable prices Transparency Impact Political economics profit added value for: public sector (Federal, Cantons, Communes) Organisations (private sector, science etc.) Public Enlarged use National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services Political economics profit Big benefit for the whole political economics
April 03COGISFolie 11 Easy available Optimal offer Favourable prices Transparency Impact Political economics profit added value for: public sector (Federal, Cantons, Communes) Organisations (private sector, science etc.) Public Enlarged use National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services Impact
April 03COGISFolie 12 NSDI is a generally available system of procedures, institutions, technologies, data, and persons permitting the mutual exchange and efficient use of geographic information Easy available Optimal offer Favourable prices Transparency Impact Political economics profit added value for: public sector (Federal, Cantons, Communes) Organisations (private sector, science etc.) Public Enlarged use National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
April 03COGISFolie 13 The systematics of basic Geo-information in Switzerland: Reference data (e.g. official administrative units, cadastral survey data, ortho- images, topographic national maps vector/pixel, elevation grid etc.) Thematic data (e.g. transport networks, hydrology, air, vegetation, land use, forestry etc.) Produced and needed in public interest and with public funds. Basic Geo-information have: a data model (UML class diagramm and object catalogue) a defined quality their maintenance is ensured a full coverage all over Switzerland The definition of the basic Geo-information is a pragmatic process and demands finally a political decision. National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services
April 03COGISFolie 14 The project is looking at setting up a catalogue of discovery metadata for GI. It will be realised as a decentral framework of distributed metadata and applications in a federated and heterogeneous infrastructure. National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services
April 03COGISFolie 15 a service for webmapping a service for the exchange of data National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services
April 03COGISFolie 16 National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services
April 03COGISFolie 17 Training is an important component for the advancement of an efficient use and correct revaluation of geodata COGIS is coordinating each year the organization of courses for people, mainly from the federal administration National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services
April 03COGISFolie 18 COGIS also cooperates with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne: –A study about the organisation of the NSDI in Switzerland and the technical aspects has been worked out by this institutes National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services
April 03COGISFolie 19 object oriented adapted to GIS: all essential geodata types, etc. can generate UML class diagrams and can be generated by UML can generate XML Schema (others like GML are possible) National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services One key component being the creation of the INTERLIS, a system-independent data- modeling and data exchange mechanism, and which is implemented throughout Switzerland (cadastral survey). A human understandable, textual notation for data structures: INTERLIS
April 03COGISFolie 20 The preparation of an implementation concept for the federal strategy for geoinformation is the moment for the discussion of new legal basis. Presently we are discussing a new Geo-information law for the federal administration. National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services
April 03COGISFolie 21 National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services Easy available basic Geo-information and an optimal offer of Geodata is the aim of the distribution strategy Favourable prices for basic Geo-information and transparency in the price-building is the aim of the pricing strategy
April 03COGISFolie 22 The e-geo Project is an initiative from the COGIS with the aim to encourage GIS activities that are interlinked. It is an example of promoting the NSDI to a wider public. The aim: Partnerships and getting players on-board National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Network Technical infrastructure Standards Legal basis Strategy for distri- bution and pricing Metadata Basic Geo- information Education Training Research Basic Geo- services
April 03COGISFolie 23 will bring an impulse The contact network Political support at the highest level is needed The brochure will help us
April 03COGISFolie 24 Charter common engagement All federal agencies, as well as the cantons and communities, economic enterprises and research institutes, which collect, manage, and work with geodata, are asked to support the common goals. They all are to take an active part in the development of the NSDI, by creating the prerequisites, further development of electronic cooperation and services, and benefit-oriented interconnection.
April 03COGISFolie 25 Thank you for your attention!