Sampling and Filtering Techniques for IP Packet Selection - Update - draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-04.txt Tanja Zseby, FhG FOKUS Maurizio Molina, NEC Europe Ltd. Fredric Raspall, NEC Europe Ltd. Nick Duffield, AT&T Labs
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-04.txt2 Changes Inclusion of 2 mandatory hash functions –Mandatory if hash-based selection is implemented –Result of an investigation on various hash functions Nicks presentation Inclusion of extended table for clarification of the categorization of schemes Text on why configuration of non-uniform probabilistic and flow state sampling is not detailed Operating time removed from the info model Small terminology changes (consistent with FW draft) Some re-wording, minor changes, etc.
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-04.txt3 Hash Functions Purpose –Sampling ID (random sampling emulation) –Digest ID (packet identifier, e.g. for consistent packet selection at multiple observation points) Hash Function Definition –Needed for consistent sampling and identification –Different requirements for Sampling and Digest ID –Tests: uniformity of distribution, collision probability, speed Evaluation Result: –IP Shift-XOR (IPSX) for Sampling ID –CRC32 for Digest ID MUST for IPSX and CRC32
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-04.txt4 Categorization Table Selection Scheme | deterministic | content- | Category | selection | dependent| systematic | X | _ | Sampling count-based | | | systematic | X | - | Sampling time-based | | | random | - | - | Sampling n-out-of-N | | | random | - | - | Sampling uniform probabilistic | | | random | - | (X) | Sampling non-uniform probabil. | | | random | - | (X) | Sampling non-uniform flow-state | | | mask/match filter | X | X | Filter hash function | X | X | Filter router state filter | X | (X) | Filter
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-04.txt5 Configuration of non-uniform probabilistic and flow state sampling Many different specific methods possible Input parameters dependent on sampling goal and implementation Some concrete proposals from research –e.g. [EsVa01],[DuLT01],[Moli03] –But still in early stage –Need further investigations to prove their usefulness and applicability Specification of explicit schemes left to vendors (e.g. as extension of the information model)
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-04.txt6 Operating time removed from the info model Operating time –Start/Stop time of sampling process –Configuration on higher layer (activation of scheme) –Need not be reported (new scheme would be announced anyway) removed Further Issues –Term “random sampling approximation” remains –Minor re-wording for clarification
Thank you for your attention ! Questions ?