Welcome to the Workshop on Interconnection Points: Welcome to the Workshop on Interconnection Points: Taisnières / Blarégnies / Quévy Oude Statenzijl / Bunde Obergailbach / Medelsheim Dominique JAMME Director of Gas Infrastructure and Networks Commission de Régulation de l’Energie (CRE) North-West Gas Regional Initiative – Interconnections and Primary Capacity Markets Work Stream Workshop in Paris (France) – 11 May 2007
Why this Workshop? The Interconnections & Primary Capacity Markets Workstream of the North-West Regional Initiative is chaired by BNetzA and CRE. Goals: to improve transparency on capacity and flows; to improve gas flows and liquidity at cross-border points located in the region; to solve interoperability issues; to support coordination between neighbouring TSOs. A draft report on generic and specific issues at the cross-border points of the region was presented at the Workshop in Bonn (8-9 February 2007) and published on the ERGEG website. Main findings: lack of transparency on capacity and flows, low compliance with Regulation (EC) 1775/2005; several contractual or physical congestions: general lack of coordination between TSOs in particular on congestion managment procedures and capacity allocation mechanisms
North-West Gas Regional Initiative – Interconnections and Primary Capacity Markets Work Stream Workshop in Paris (France) – 11 May 2007 Why this Workshop? This workshop aims at deciding on concrete improvements to the identified problems and at deciding on the agenda for: Taisnières / Blarégnies / Quévy Oude Statenzijl / Bunde Obergailbach / Medelsheim
North-West Gas Regional Initiative – Interconnections and Primary Capacity Markets Work Stream Workshop in Paris (France) – 11 May 2007Agenda 11:15 – 12:45 / Kick-off Meeting on Taisnières / Blarégnies / Quévy Presentation by CREG and CRE (10 minutes) Proposal(s) from Fluxys and GRTgaz (30 minutes) Comments and proposals from the Stakeholders and discussion (40 minutes) Decision on the agenda: next steps and deadlines for implementation (10 minutes) 13:45 – 15:15 / Kick-off Meeting on Oude Statenzijl / Bunde Presentation by Dte / Nma and BNetzA (10 minutes) Proposal(s) from GTS, EGT, Wingas Transport and BEB (30 minutes) Comments and proposals from the Stakeholders and discussion (40 minutes) Decision on the agenda: next steps and deadlines for implementation (10 minutes) 15:30 – 17:00 / Kick-off Meeting on Obergailbach / Medelsheim Presentation by BNetzA and CRE (10 minutes) Proposal(s) from EGT, GDFDT and GRTgaz (30 minutes) Comments and proposals from the Stakeholders and discussion (40 minutes) Decision on the agenda: next steps and deadlines for implementation (10 minutes) 12:45 – 13:45 / Lunch 15:15 – 15:30 / Break and Coffee 17:00 – 17:15 / Closing Speech