Paris package: practical aspects Installation / presentation To run a simulation Analysis To add a new module to Paris Installation / presentation To run a simulation Analysis To add a new module to Paris
Installation / presentation Download from Paris web site:Paris web site: gunzip Paris1.0.tar.gz; tar -xvf Paris1.0.tar Installation (tested with geant4.8.2): cd Paris; make In the package: doc: User’ guide and documentation of the code doxygendoxygen setup: ascii files to configure the simulation analysis: to read back the files produced by Paris include: src: C++ code
To run a simulation Geometry Paris Physics Generator Output Selection of the different modules: setup/ setup/shell.geo setup/basic.genesetup/uniform.gene
To run a simulation To start: Paris (or Paris batch.mac) Some useful G4 commands: help /control/execute visGL.mac /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi deg /run/beamOn 10 exit execute several commands change viewpoint Run 10 events
Analysis with root Root Histograms Output2 (ascii file) cd analysis cp Demorootlogon.C rootlogon.C cp DemoAnalysis.C MyAnalysis.C root Info in : creating shared library./ Info in : creating shared library./ root [0] DrawInput(”file”,”/path/to/the/file”) compile the reader compile your analysis run analysis
To add a new module to Paris New generator: just copy a existing one, and rename (include/NewGene.hh & include/ New geometry: just copy a existing one, and rename (include/NewGeo.hh & include/ the following lines are needed : Better to have a initialization file in setup Send it to me once tested (for the moment) SVN server if important developments … // sensitive part. Because the sensitive part depends on what we would to extract // for analysis, it asks the OutputManager to give it the sensitive part if ( ParisOutputManager::GetTheOutputManager()->GetTrackerSD(“YourDetName”) ) { alogic->SetSensitiveDetector( ParisOutputManager::GetTheOutputManager()->GetTrackerSD(“YourDetName”)) ); }
To add a new module to Paris #include “NewGeo.hh”
To add a new module to Paris Case 1: theDetector = new NewGeo(); cout << “ “ << G4endl; break; And recompile (make) !!