WORLD WAR II European Theatre
September 1, 1939 Hitler invades Poland Britain and France declare war on Germany (Poland Alliance) Hitler conquers Poland in a month Blitzkrieg fighting tactic- lightning quick strikes – total war poured on Begins rounding up Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, invalids, homosexuals Creates Ghettos in cities (forced movement and registration)
Blitzkrieg = Lightning Quick Attacks
The Soviet Union Joseph Stalin thinks he is safe from Hitler Signed Non-Aggression Pact in 1937 Stalin secretly providing Hitler with oil Stalin moves into Eastern Baltic States and E. Poland (deal with Hitler)
Nazi Leaders Adolf Hitler – The Fuhrer Herman Goring – 2 nd in Command (Luftwaffe {Air Force} commander) Dr. Joseph Goebbels - Propaganda Minister (propaganda and media censorship) Heinrich Himmler - SS (Gestapo Secret Police) Chief (ran death camps)
The Sides ALLIED POWERS England –France –Poland –Netherlands –Belgium –Egypt –China –Soviet Union (June, 1941) –USA (Dec. 1941) AXIS POWERS Germany –Japan –Italy CONQUERED NATIONS Ethiopia Manchuria Albania Bulgaria Hungary Libya Romania Yugoslavia
The War Begins??? Winter, 1939 England and France do nothing for a few months “Phony War” or “Sitzkreig” France waiting behind Maginot Line Thoughts of a stalemate like WWI again
France – Maginot Line Defense France is extremely antagonistic towards and afraid of Germany Created Rhineland buffer zone between France and Germany (taken German territory) Built the “Maginot Line” to defend against Germany Series of Bunkers, Forts, and earthworks to stop German invasion Did not cover the Ardennes Forrest on Belgium border, thought to be impassable
Maginot Line
USA USA is isolationist, Wants to stay that way FDR passes Neutrality Act (1935) – USA will stay neutral Forbids sale of arms to belligerents
Germany Blitzkriegs Europe Spring, 1940 April 9, 1940 – Germany invades Denmark and Norway, conquered in 2 weeks May 10, Germany carves a path through the Ardennes Forrest Plows through the Netherlands and Belgium Enters France around Maginot Line Allies trapped at Dunkirk
Evacuation at Dunkirk Fast moving German Army cuts off 338,000 British / French soldiers Every boat in England summoned to move troops back across the English Channel Soldiers barely escape to England Allies loose tons of equipment, trucks, supplies, artillery to Nazis
The Fall of France June, 1940 Nazi Panzer Tank Divisions roll through leftover French Army Nazi Panzer Tank Divisions roll through leftover French Army Strafe civilians – spread panic and terror Strafe civilians – spread panic and terror Italy declares war on Allies June 10, 1940 Italy declares war on Allies June 10, 1940 Roll into Paris on June 14, 1940 Roll into Paris on June 14, 1940 Hitler forces France to surrender in the same Railroad car where Germany had to sign the WWI Armistice in Compiegne Hitler forces France to surrender in the same Railroad car where Germany had to sign the WWI Armistice in Compiegne
WWI German Surrender
France Surrenders to Germany
Battle of Britain England is left alone to fight the war!!!! Hitler unleashes the Luftwaffe on Britain TOTAL WAR!!!! Nazi Terror Air bombing campaign to break spirit of the English people – Weaken England for invasion (fails) Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF), and London citizens stand firm
London Bombing – “The Blitz” St. Paul’s Cathedral
USA Becomes Entangled by… Britain screaming for help FDR gets around Neutrality Act with… Lend-Lease Bill – Jan. 10, 1941 USA can sell arms to any country deemed necessary for its defense
USA Prepares Defenses FDR wins unprecedented third term in 1940 – still committed to Neutrality FDR does order America’s defenses strengthened, Starts Arming up War demands get US economy going – US pulls out of Great Depression Orders first ever peacetime conscription (army draft)
Hitler Attacks Stalin (Russia) Double crosses Stalin and Attacks Russia, June 22, 1941 Opens up a 2 Front War Stalin humiliated – now wants alliance with Allies Hitler’s Fatal Mistake of the War