Wise Cymru a Gweithio tuag at Bartneriaeth Alex Butterworth Swyddog Datblygu Wise Cymru Wise Wales and Working Towards Partnership Alex Butterworth Wise Wales Development Officer
Myfyrwyr a Phrifysgolion: Gweithio mewn Partneriaeth Students and Universities: Working in Partnership
Amcanion heddiw Today’s Objectives Ennill dealltwriaeth o waith Wise Cymru Nodi enghreifftiau cadarnhaol o weithio mewn partneriaeth o blith detholiad o astudiaethau achosion Nodi rhwystrau posibl i weithio mewn partneriaeth Creu atebion i’r rhwystrau hyn Meddwl am feithrin partneriaeth yn eich cyd- destun eich hun Gain an understanding of the work of Wise Wales Identify examples of positive partnership working from a selection of case studies Identify potential barriers to partnership working Generate solutions to these barriers Think about fostering partnership in your own context
Beth ywWhat is Wise Cymru?Wise Wales? Crewyd y prosiect yn 2009 gan gasgliad o fudiadau o fewn i’r sector addysg, sy’n rhannu’r un gred: Sef y dylai myfyrwyr fod yn bartneriaid cyfartal â’u prifysgolion mewn llunio penderfyniadau sy’n dylanwadu ac yn llunio eu haddysg eu hunain. Created in 2009, it’s a project driven by a collection of organisations within the education sector, who share the same belief: That students should be equal partners with their university in making the decisions that influence and shape their own education.
Ein PrifOur Primary Amcanion!Aims! Mae Wise Cymru yn canolbwyntio ar dri amcan: 1.Gosod gwerth ar adborth myfyrwyr 2.Ffrwyno eich arbenigedd 3.Galluogi myfyrwyr a phrifysgolion i weithio mewn partneriaeth The three aims that Wise Wales focuses on are: 1.Valuing student feedback 2.Harnessing your expertise 3.Enabling students and universities to work in partnership
Gweithio mewn Working in Partneriaeth Partnership Golyga hyn fod myfyrwyr a staff yng Nghymru’n gweithio gyda’i gilydd, sy’n galluogi dysgwyr i ddylanwadu a newid eu hamgylchedd. By this, we mean Welsh students and staff work together, which gives learners the ability to influence and change their environment.
Felly pam ydyn ni So why do we need angen Wise Cymru? Wise Wales? Oherwydd nad ydym yn credu mai dim ond defnyddwyr yw myfyrwyr! Because we don’t believe that students are simply consumers!
Students as partners Students as consumers Myfyrwyr fel partneriaid Myfyrwyr fel defnyddwyr
Wise Cymru: yr hyn ‘rydym wedi bod yn ei wneud Wise Wales: What we’ve been up to
Wise Wales: What we’ve been up to Datganiad ar gyfer Partneriaeth Datblygu hyb adnoddau ar-lein Cynorthwyo Undebau Cymru i gynhyrchu datganiad blynyddol Statement for Partnership Developing an online resource hub Supporting Welsh Unions in producing an annual statement Wise Cymru: yr hyn ‘rydym wedi bod yn ei wneud
Hen bryd am rywbeth gwahanol! Time for something different!
Gêm Drefnu Card Sorting Cardiau! Game 4 pedrant “Credaf fod hwn yn enghraifft bositif o weithio mewn partneriaeth” “Ni chredaf fod hwn yn esiampl bositif o weithio mewn partneriaeth” “Credaf fod gan yr esiampl hwn agweddau cadarnhaol a negyddol” “Mewn gwirionedd, wn i ddim beth i’w feddwl ohono” 4 quadrants “I believe this is a positive example of partnership working” “I do not believe this is a positive example of partnership working” “I think there are positive and negative aspects to this example” “Quite frankly, I have no idea what to make of it”
Beth sy’n cyfrannu at weithio da mewn partneriaeth? What makes for good partnership working?
Ranking Exercise Of the case studies identified as ‘positive partnership working’ can you rank them in order of positivity? How will you justify the order? Ymarferiad Trefnu O’r astudiaethau o achosion a nodwyd fel ‘gweithio cadarnhaol mewn partneriaeth’ allwch chi eu rhestru yn nhrefn positifrwydd? Sut fyddwch chi’n cyfiawnhau’r drefn?
What are the barriers to fostering a partnership culture? Yn eich grwpiau, treuliwch bum munud yn trafod y rhwystrau cyffredinol a wynebir wrth geisio mewnosod diwylliant partneriaeth In your groups, take five minutes and discuss the general obstacles faced by trying to embed a partnership culture Beth yw’r rhwystrau i feithrin diwylliant partneriaeth?
Pa fath o atebion a What kind of gafwyd? answers did we get?
What kind of solutions can we generate to combat these barriers? Pa fath o atebion allwn ni eu creu i ymladd y rhwystrau hyn?
Some other questions to ponder… 1.Which areas within higher education would be conducive to fostering a partnership ethos? 2.How best can we replicate partnership success? 1.Pa feysydd o fewn i addysg uwch fyddai’n annog meithrin ethos bartneriaeth? 2.Beth yw’r ffordd orau o ailadrodd llwyddiant partneriaeth? Rhai cwestiynau eraill i’w hystyried…
Felly… pa gamau bychain fyddwch chi’n eu cymryd? So… what small steps will you take?
What small steps will you take? Gwneud ymchwil/casglu tystiolaeth – ym mha feysydd mae’r diffyg cydbwysedd mwyaf o ran pwer? Hwyluso partneriaeth rhwng staff y brifysgol a chorff y myfyrwyr? Cadw meddwl agored? Lledaenu’r gair? Cysylltu â fi am fwy o wybodaeth neu gymorth! (Os nad oeddech chi wedi sylwi, ‘dwi wrth fy modd yn godro pob diferyn allan o’r testun yma) Carry out research/collect evidence – within which areas exist the greatest imbalance of power? Facilitate a partnership dialogue between university staff and the student body? Keep an open mind! Spread the word! Contact me for more information or support! (If you hadn’t already noticed, I rather enjoy exhausting this topic) Pa gamau bychain fyddwch chi’n eu cymryd?
Am ragor o wybodaeth… For more information… Thank you Diolch