Original Picture Final Picture
Original Picture
Throw picture in photoshop, convert to b/w & remove contrast
Print new image out on printer paper
Trace a line onto the picture using a vessel that will hold liquid
Cut out picture along the line drawn, place in vessel & pour grape juice over it
Let picture soak in grape juice for 30 minutes
Drain grape juice, blot on paper towels. When you blot, some of the edges might come off
Evenly spray picture with cooking spray
Light cooking spray on fire! (do this over a sink!)
Freeze image in water, then break block of ice into small pieces
Put ice in glass with beverage of choice (water, milk, sweet tea, vodka, etc.) and take picture
Throw new picture into Photoshop, and add filters to it until you think it looks cool! Add text.
Here’s your final image! Now, just “Let It Go”“Let It Go”