Heidi Alderton, School Safety Advisor
IN CASE OF FIRE: Sound the alarm by breaking the nearest Break Glass point (located in each stair well) Notify Reception (ext.555) from the nearest telephone. Note that the Fire Brigade is not called automatically by the alarm systems.
IF THE ALARM SOUNDS: In the event of a fire, the alarm will ring continuously until the building has been vacated. DO NOT go back for your coat or belongings, Leave the building by the NEAREST available exit. Assemble at your designated assembly point and await instructions. Do not assemble immediately in front of the building where you might obstruct the exit.
EMERGENCY EXITS Do you know ALL the routes out of the building from your office or lab? Try to identify your escape routes BEFORE you need to use them!
Fire Extinguishers Don’t use them, unless you are confident with what you are doing Only use the extinguisher after you have sounded the alarm Try one extinguisher and then leave
How not to store or use your fire extinguishers!
Computers themselves are not harmful - the problem is how you use them….. COMPUTERS If you use a computer, make sure that you have regular eye tests
If using a computer, or any other piece of equipment, causes you pain, you need to do something about it! See the Safety pages on the Intranet for details COMPUTERS
Report ALL accidents & Near-Misses; First aid treatment is available via Reception - dial 555 from any internal phone. AEDs are available at the Reception Desks. ACCIDENTS
CYCLISTS Please DO NOT bring bikes in through the main entrances; Secure storage is available at Keppel Street and Tavistock Place - DO NOT leave them elsewhere; Shower facilities are available.
SMOKING Smoking is prohibited throughout the School’s premises.
MOBILE PHONES All mobile phones should be turned off in Computer Teaching Rooms. Phones should be turned off in lecture theatres and meeting rooms during formal lectures and seminars. Phones should not be used in laboratories.
WORKING IN LABORATORIES If your project involves working in a laboratory, you must obtain additional information and comply with the relevant Codes of Practice. Further documentation and forms on the intranet –
TRAVEL If your project involves travelling or working overseas, you must obtain additional information and comply with the relevant Codes of Practice. The School’s Finance Office must be notified in advance to ensure that appropriate insurance cover is in place. Additional approval is required for travel to some countries and regions. Full documentation and forms on the intranet –
Ensure that an appropriate Risk Assessment is carried out for everything you do…
ANY QUESTIONS? Contacts : Heidi Alderton, ext. 8233, or, in an emergency, via Reception
Health and Safety doesn’t stop you having fun!