MT 219 Marketing Unit One Dr. Bea Bourne Welcome! Course Overview Creating Customer Value and Marketing Strategy Note: This seminar will be recorded by the instructor.
To get started, everyone please introduce yourself – give your name and where you are located and tell us something interesting about yourself or something you are excited about. I am Dr. Bea Bourne, I live in the Dallas, Texas area. I enjoy working out, lifting weights specifically. I am excited about... 2 Introductions
Let’s Review: Overall Course Objectives The effect of the external environment on marketing strategy What influences consumer behavior? Segmentation, targeting, positioning The marketing mix – The Four P’s- our tool box The role of marketing in service firms
Let’s Review: Course Element Overview Grading Elements- See your Syllabus for grading allocation -Discussions- Units 1-9 -Assignments-weekly -Final project – -Reviews/quiz- 3 -Graded Seminar - Units 1-9 This class has an e-text. Reading your e-text is important in order to complete all assignments.
5 Expectations From You: Respectful Put forth your best effort Timely assignments Ask questions Share your experience From Me: Respectful Open and fair Committed to your success Timely, constructive feedback Available for office hours: Mon. – Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST Answer questions Share my experience Respond to in 24 hours
Let’s Review: Discussions Make sure to follow discussion requirements in syllabus -Primary post by Saturday, a minimum of two posts to others -Post on three days -Minimum of 100 words Opportunity to clarify concepts covered in unit Exchange ideas and ask questions to others They are fun!
Let’s Review: Working with the assignments Review the rubric in the syllabus for guidelines Proof your work– grammar and spelling matter. Use APA as appropriate when citing sources- NO cutting and pasting from sources Apply the concepts and language of the course Answer all the questions thoroughly If something is confusing, check with your professor
Let’s Review: Reviews Multiple choice quizzes Think the question through ALWAYS read instructions- Some may have time limits or not allow you to take more than once. Keep aware of the deadline- system closes access automatically
Let’s Review: Research Project Select only a brand that is on the list in the Unit 2 Discussion You must use the brand you select in your Research Projects. Sample list includes: Renault® Swatch® Watches Goya® Foods Delta® Faucets Barilla® Foods Editorial Planeta© Acer® computer Apple® MERCK© The projects will require research, application, and creativity as well as analysis Once you select your brand in the discussion, you should independently research in preparation for your Research Projects A few minutes of researching your brand every day or so will help ensure your Research Projects go smoothly.
Let’s Review: Deadlines All units close midnight EST on Tuesdays If you are having a difficulty getting work in- Contact me BEFORE the deadline. Discussion threads, reviews and simulations will be closed at that time. Plan appropriately. See the syllabus for late policies for projects 1-7 calendar days late = 20% penalty 8-14 calendar days late = 30% penalty more than 14 days = automatic zero
Let’s Review: Seminars Required Fun and helpful Opportunity to ask questions and interact with classmates You can review the recording if you are unable to attend You must do the alternate assignment if you do not or cannot attend the weekly seminar
What must you do to be successful in this course? What do you know about this subject? What do you hope to learn in this class?”
What is Marketing?
Kotler: “Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.” (Kotler, 2010) Notice that there is a lot of emphasis on establishing value and relationships. Marketing, more than any other business function deals with the customer and creating value for them. Things that are marketed- Goods, services, ideas, personal images
The Marketing Process Figure 1.1 (Kotler, 2010)
The marketing orientation has evolved 1 st Stage- The production orientation 2 nd Stage- The sales orientation 3 rd Stage- The marketing orientation 4 th Stage- The societal marketing orientation
History of Marketing First era in the history of marketing - “the production era”. Businesses focused efforts on increasing the efficiency of their production lines. Henry Ford was known by some as “The Godfather of the Production Era”. “You can have a car in any color you want…as long as it’s in black.” Henry Ford. What did he mean by that?
History of Marketing Second era- The “sales era”. Occurred prior to the 1950’s. Idea that creative advertising and selling would convince consumers to buy a product or service. Third era- The “marketing era” was the third era in the history of marketing. “Revolutionary idea.” Businesses focused on the needs and wants of the consumer. The last era might be called the “societal marketing era” Company must consider the different stakeholders of the company in developing their marketing strategies.
What is the marketing concept?
A managerial philosophy involving -The satisfaction of consumer needs and wants -The coordination of activities -Satisfaction of goals -In a coordinated way -The basic management process- plan, organize, lead, control
What is customer relationship marketing?
Long term Creates value for the consumer greater than the cost of products Mutually satisfying Buyers and sellers both benefit
What is Value?
Benefits minus costs = Value Benefits are what customers get out of a product Costs can take many forms -Money -Time -Risk -Aggravation -Other?
Marketing is Dynamic Marketers realize their relationships with consumers is always changing Importance of some customers -Careful relationships with selected customers -Developing relationships that are deeper and more interactive than typical customers What companies might you feel a deep and interactive link with?
Trends in the Marketing Environment Consider trends taking place in these areas: -The domestic and global economy -Changes in technology, including communications and computer-based technologies. -Growth in importance of non-profits and NGOs -Trend towards sustainable marketing -Growing diversity and awareness of other cultures -Others?
Company and Marketing Strategy The process of establishing an organizational mission and formulating OVERALL goals, corporate strategy, marketing objectives, marketing strategy, and a marketing plan. Mission- What the company does currently. Vision- What the company aspires to do in the future.
What is a marketing strategy? “The marketing logic by which the company hopes to create customer value and achieve profitable customer relationships.” (Kotler, 2010) A process that includes three important things: - Segmenting the market - Targeting key segments - differentiating and positioning products and brands
Marketing Mix or The 4P’s Term used throughout the course. How products are differentiated. Four components- Product, Price, Promotion and Place (Distribution). What do each of these mean? Marketing Managers create and control the right mix of these elements to create value and satisfy customer’s needs for a general product type. They are synergistic and rely on one another for marketing success Example: A company could have the best product in the world, great price s and promotion. Without good distribution, it may fail. Figure 2.4 in text shows the importance of the marketing mix as an integral part of developing marketing strategy. (Kotler, 2010)
What is a marketing plan?
A written document that specifies those activities to be performed to implement and control an organization’s marketing activities.
SWOT Analysis Internal - S trengths - W eaknesses External -O pportunities -T hreats
33 Questions
Week 1 Assignments KapConsultants KapConsultants is a consulting firm located in Dayton, Ohio. They specialize in marketing, consulting with businesses! Download the Step-By-Step Guide to Building a Marketing Plan to use as your guide in the process. Your first task will be to get started developing the marketing plan. To get started, click on the “Action” icon to watch the simulation. Be sure to execute the items on the checklist in your Unit 1 Assignment:
I appreciate your time and attention during our 1 hour seminar tonight. If you have questions, feel free to contact me: and I’ll be happy to See you in Class! 35