Welcome to First Grade! Mr. James Wyatt M.Ed. First Grade Teacher
A Day in the life of a student in A-106…. 9:00-9:20 Arrival, Homework Check, Morning Work, Announcements, Lunch Count, Attendance 9:20-9:35 Morning Meeting 9:35-11:25 Reading / Language Arts 11:25-12:25 Recess/Lunch 12:35-1:00 Teacher Read Aloud/Silent Reading/Interventions 1:00-2:00 Math 2:00 -2:10 Snack/Copy h.w. 2:10-2:45 Science/Social Studies 2:45-3:25 Special Day 1 Art Day 2 Computer Day 3 Library (Don’t forget to bring in your books!) Day 4 Gym (Don’t forget to wear sneakers!) Day 5 Music 3:25-3:35 Pack-up, Clean Out Mailboxes 3:35 Dismissal
Specialist Schedule Day 1 Art Day 2 Computer Day 3 Library Day 4 Physical Education Day 5 Music
Curriculum Language Arts: Balanced Literacy Reading – Superkids –Welcome Back Superkids –Level 3: Adventures of the Superkids –Level 4: More Adventures of the Superkids Writing – Superkids/Kid Writing Poetry Math: Math In Focus Science: FOSS-Full Option Science System Social Studies: Houghton Mifflin Share Our World Prevention: Too Good For Violence & Too Good For Drugs More curriculum information is available upon request.
Reading Level 3: Adventures of the Superkids and Level 4: More Adventures of the Superkids learn complex letter-sound relationships (long-vowel sounds and blends) continue to develop decoding and encoding skills read longer stories where comprehension and fluency are emphasized learn to spell phonetically irregular words, which aids reading and writing fluency learn strategies for using context to identify words meet with small groups to support or challenge each child as necessary
Math In Focus Big Ideas Count & Compare numbers to 10. (Ch. 1) Number bonds can be used to show parts & whole. (Ch. 2) Addition can be used to find how many in all. (Ch. 3) Subtraction can be used to find how many are left. (Ch. 4) Explore, identify and compare plane and solid shapes in patterns and in the real world. (Ch. 5) Numbers and words can be used to describe order and position, (Ch. 6) Count, compare, and order numbers to 20. (Ch. 7) Different strategies can be used to add and subtract. (Ch. 8) Compare the height and length of things. Measure with non-standard units to find length. (Ch. 9) Picture graphs, tally charts, and bar graphs can be used to display data. (Ch. 11) Count, compare, and order numbers from 1 to 40. (Ch. 12)
Homework Generally given Monday – Thursday nights Designed to provide your child with practice of the skills taught in class. Please let me know if your child experiences difficulty with homework and I will review/re-teach the skills.
Behavior Systems With each choice comes a consequence – good or bad. Students should be rewarded for good choices – not always reprimanded for poor ones. Individual In-class: students may be given a verbal warning for any mild infraction (disruption, not following directions, etc.) Continued misbehavior may result in a loss of recess minutes and/or parent contact. Students can earn Mighty Mustang rewards for any positive behavior demonstrated, both inside and outside of the classroom. Reward recipients are placed on the principal’s board outside the main office, for a chance to enter a prize drawing.
Folder/Agenda Homework/Information »Students copy HW in agenda book each day »Parents check and sign each night »Please empty out (“Take Home”) side of folder each night as many important things come home throughout the school year. »Student work in (“Keep”) side of folder is to remain, and should be returned to school. Tests/Quizzes »Discuss the contents with your child and sign each Test/Quiz. »Please include any comments and return the signed Test/Quiz in the (“Keep”) side of the folder.
Birthdays Birthday party invitations should be mailed from home. Due to specific student allergies, it is recommended that parents/guardians refrain from sending in food items (cupcakes, etc.) for the class.
Communication is the fastest way to get in touch with me: Absence Notes Please include note for each absence. Not in AGENDA book – office needs a copy. Vacations need to be approved by the office BEFORE the trip. Change in Transportation Notes are needed for ALL changes in transportation. Parents will need to wait outside until their child exits the building when walkers/pick-ups are called.
Please feel free to browse around the room and look at the student work in the hallway. Thanks so much for coming this evening! ~Mr. James Wyatt