Principal Parts
Why do we need learn principal parts? Write down the answer before you click to the next slide.
Principal parts are needed so that we can form a verb in all its tenses. If you didn’t know the principal parts of the verb ‘grow’, you would say, “I growed three inches this year!”
How many principal parts do regular English verbs have? How many principal parts do Latin verbs have? Answer the question before you click!
English verbs have three principal parts. Here are a few English verbs with irregular principal parts. PRESENTPAST PAST PARTICIPLE arisearosearisen becomebecamebecome beginbeganbegun bitebitbitten bleedbledbled blowblewblown breakbrokebroken bringbroughtbrought buildbuiltbuilt
Latin verbs have four principal parts. You must memorize the first three. It is suggested that you memorize the fourth. Many derivatives come from the fourth principal part. Also, if you plan to go on in Latin, it is easier to memorize the fourth principal part along with the other forms.
If you have a 1 st conjugation verb, you are in luck! These verbs almost always follow the same pattern: 1 st principal part: ō 2 nd principal part: āre 3 rd principal part: āvī 4 th principal part: ātus
Examples: am ō ambul ō puls ō cant ō amāreambulāre pulsāre cantāre amāvī ambulāvī pulsāvī cantāvī amātus ambulātus pulsātus cantātus
Other conjugations are not quite so nice. But… if you remember an X-tra long SUV, you will see that there are some patterns to the 3 rd principal part.
X-tra long SUV – the third principal part will ALWAYS end in ī. The letter before the ī is often an X, S, U, or V OR the vowel in the previous syllable will lengthen.
Principal part examples - pay attention to the third principal part! habeōscribōveniōducō habērescriberevenīreducere habuīscripsīvēnīduxī (u) (s) (long vowel) (x)
You must know the 3 rd principal part in order to form the perfect tense!