Planetary Forecaster Review
THE RULES: Give each answer in the form of a question Instructor/Host’s decisions are FINAL
And now…here is the host of Jeopardy… Moriah & Patrick
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Learning Set 6 Learning Set 6
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Learning Set 1 Learning Set 1 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Learning Set 2/3 Learning Set 2/3 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Learning Set 4 Learning Set 4 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Learning Set 5 Learning Set 5 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Learning Set 6 Learning Set 6 DD FJ
Define temperature. Answer…
The measure of kinetic energy in a molecule. 100
What is the relationship between kinetic energy and temperature? Answer…
Temperature is the measure of kinetic energy in a molecule. 200
What happens to the speed of atoms and molecules when they absorb and lose energy? Answer…
When they absorb energy, their speed increases. When they lose energy, their speed decreases. 300
Is air an empty space, or is it made of anything? Answer…
It is made up of molecules. 400
Make a prediction of what you will do during winter break. Why is this called a prediction? Answer…
A prediction is what you think will happen. A prediction is what you think will happen. 500
What is a thermometer? Answer…
It measures the temperature. 100
Name 3 types of biomes. Answer…
Some biomes are Temperate Forest, Tundra, Taiga, Rainforest, Desert and Grassland 200
What is the difference between a revolution and rotation? Answer…
Revolution: Around the sun Rotation:Around it’s axis. 300
What is the difference between direct and indirect sunlight? Answer…
Direct light: when light hits at a 90 degree angle Indirect Light: Light hits at any other angle than 90 degrees. 400
When does the winter solstice happen and what happens to the hours in a day? Answer…
Winter Solstice is on December 21 and the hours in a day increase. 500
1.0 is the specific heat capacity of what substance? Answer…
H 2 O or Water. 100
What is convection? Answer…
Convection is when heat is traveled through air or water currents. 200
Which substance, black top or concrete will heat up faster on a hot summer day? Answer…
Black Top 300
Define an analogy. Answer…
An analogy is a comparison of certain similarities between things which are otherwise unlike. 400
Describe the effect that indirect vs. direct light have on reflection of heat energy from the sun. Answer…
Indirect light make things reflect more light and direct light reflects less. 500
How does increased elevation affect the pressure and temperature? Answer…
It makes the pressure and temperature go down. 100
Do air molecules take up more space at sea level or at higher elevations? Answer…
It will take up more space at higher elevations because they spread out. 200
Explain why warm air rises. Answer…
Because it is less dense than the air around it. 300
Why does a low elevation have more pressure? Answer…
It is because the weight of more air molecules presses down on the earth’s surface. 400
Why is it harder to breathe at higher altitudes? Answer…
It is because there is less air molecules of O 2 (Oxygen). 500
What is an anemometer? Answer…
It is a tool used to measure wind speed. 100
What is relative humidity? Answer…
The actual amount of water vapor in the air compared to what the air can hold. 200
Describe the water cycle. Answer…
Water falls from the atmosphere to Earth as precipitation and the water gets evaporated and it turns into a gas. Then the air rises and then it goes through condensation. 300
What is the difference between local winds and global winds? Answer…
Global Winds; the constant movement of air and weather around the earth Local winds move closer to each other 400
What kind of weather do warm fronts bring? Answer…
Clouds and rain. After 2 days, there is a period of hot and humid weather. 500
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CATEGORY: Miscellaneous How much do you want to wager? Proceed…
What are four types of clouds.Write them on a piece of paper. Proceed…
The four types are Stratus Cirrus,Cumulo nimbus and Cumulus. Proceed…
Thanks for PLAYING!