How to Sign Up to Use the L13 - Computer Lab Prepared by Katherine Powell 4/2009
From your Novell delivered applications, click on PUSD
Login with your Novell username and password
Locate and click on Public Folders
Click on PHS
Click on L13 Library Lab
Click on 31 to see the entire month’s schedule
Locate the date you would like to visit.
1 st - Place your mouse on the time to see who is signed up and for how long. 2 nd – If date and time available click on new.
This new window will pop up.
In Subject Line add Period and Last Name Uncheck All Day Event box Type in your starting time and ending time. Last, Save
This is how it should look when you are finished.
If L13 is already scheduled… Check the calendar for J5, you can sign up for it the same way as L13. If none of the labs are available, the library may have space (32 computers in the Main area, 21 computers in L2). To reserve either of those areas ◦ Katherine Powell, ◦ In the , state the date, period, number of students and purpose for your visit. ◦ Ms. Powell will schedule and back a confirmation.
Still having problems? Contact the library at ext. 5461, 5465, or 5466 Stop by the library between 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Write a note and send it to the library with a student; include in the note the date you’d like to come, period, number of students and assignment.