Coastal Breezes At the seaside we often find that the wind is blowing. Sometimes it blows in from the sea and at other times it blows out to sea. Can the work we have done about convection explain what is happening?
Sea Breeze If the sun is out, it heats up the land so that it is much warmer than the sea. This causes the air above the land to heat up while the air over the sea is cooler. Hot air will rise and cool air will sink. Together, this rising and sinking motion creates a convection current. Sea is cooler compared to the land
Land Breeze At night time, the convection current is reversed and we call it a land breeze because the wind near the surface now blows from the land out to sea. This happens because the land cools down at night and will get colder than the sea. The air above the sea is now warmer compared to the cooler air over the land at night. Sea is warmer compared to the land