Policy and Practice Implications for Secondary and Postsecondary Education and Employment for Youth With Disabilities September 18 and 19, 2003 Washington, DC A National Leadership Summit on Improving Results for Youth
Transitioning from Secondary School to Postsecondary School: What Youth and Families Need to Know Megan A. Conway, Ph.D. University of Hawaii
Your Role Prepare youth and their families for the transition to postsecondary school by: Supporting students to participate in the regular curriculum. Actively involving youth in the IEP and support provision process. Encouraging students to understand their needs and to self-advocate. Linking families with resources and materials that are culturally sensitive.
Changes in the Laws Parents and Youth Need to Know That… Laws that govern support in secondary school are different than those that govern support in postsecondary school and employment. IDEA ADA + Rehabilitation Act
Accommodations & Supports Parents and Youth Need to Know That… SecondaryPostsecondary When the law says…“FAPE” “LRE” “Reasonable accommodation” That translates to…Separate class or included with integrated support Accommodations added to existing environment Decided by…IEP team of teachers, admin., support personnel, parents Negotiation between support office/school and student Resulting in…Special content class, itinerant teacher, adaptive technology Note-taker, extra time on exams, reader
Self-Determination Parents and Youth Need to Know That… Students will need self-determination skills in order to negotiate postsecondary school: Self-awareness and self-evaluation Self-advocacy Decision-making and independent performance Adjustment to new situations Behaviors linked with self-determination may be at odds with the cultural values of some families.
Parental Rights Parents and Youth Need to Know That… Secondary SchoolPostsecondary School Parents have legal right to participate in child’s education. Parents have no legal right to participate. But do the familial and cultural-based obligations that parents feel towards their child vanish when the child reaches the age of majority?
Identification and Documentation Parents and Youth Need to Know That… Secondary School State identifies children who have disabilities, document their disabilities and initiate services. Postsecondary School Students with disabilities identify themselves, provide documentation of their disability and request services.
Coordination of Services Parents and Youth Need to Know That… During secondary school, schools, and families coordinate services for children. During postsecondary school, students are expected to coordinate services on their own. This may conflict with the values of many families.