High School: Literacy and Numeracy in Action Rick Pardo, Mike Newnham, Brad Parolin Ontario, Canada
Did you Know?Did you Know? – Shift Happens How would you like your children to learn science? How did you learn science? What do you want from this session? Did you know?
Teacher Model
Science Inquiry How can it look?
Demonstration Activity or “cookbook lab” Teacher- Initiated Inquiry Student- Initiated Inquiry Posing the Question teacher student Planning the Procedure teacher student Formulating the Results teacherstudent Role of Teacher controller provides direction guide/facilitatorfacilitator Role of Student observer follows direction problem-solverinvestigator Materials provided suggested Content focused needs some focusing requires focusing Llewellyn, D. Teaching High School Science Through Inquiry A Case Study Approach. New York: Corwin, Pgs The Inquiry Grid
Initiating and Planning Performing and Recording Analysing and Interpreting Communicating Discussion Results Introduction Methods Methods Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate
PBL /Case (weeks) Experiment Inquiry (days) PEOE (period) Focused Skill(s) (15 min) Techniques Deliverables
Sample Activity – Good Vibrations What do you notice about the salt? What Did I Observe?
Teacher Questions to Support Observing Details What do you notice?What do you notice? What does it feel like? look like? smell like?What does it feel like? look like? smell like?Counting/Measuring How many?How many? How long?How long? Comparison In what ways are these different? the same?In what ways are these different? the same? Can you describe an order or pattern to ______ ?Can you describe an order or pattern to ______ ?
Good Vibrations Good Vibrations How can I make this behave differently? Generating Questions – What Am I Wondering? Generating Questions – What Am I Wondering?
Question Sort Sort your table’s questions into 3 groups: research alone –Can be answered by research alone (e.g., how does the tuning fork make the salt jump?) investigating with research –Can be answered by investigating with research (e.g. how might I make the salt jump higher?) –Speculative –Speculative – cannot be easily answered by research or investigation alone (e.g. For someone who can’t hear the tuning fork, they can see the salt move. Why don’t we use this more to assist the hearing impaired in our community?)
investigating with researchCan be answered by investigating with research Focus of Inquiry and Investigation in S&T Used to drive the Ontario curriculum in S&T
Good Vibrations Speculative Research Investigation Report including jot notes Procedure for a science experiment Letter stating an opinion Summary
Experiment Inquiry (days) Introduction Methods Results Discussion
Organization Diagrams & Sticky Notes Organization Diagrams & Sticky Notes Behaviours Starburst Variables Fishbone Quick Marking Guide Steps to Scientific Inquiry Writing Guide Steps to Scientific Inquiry Writing Guide
Purpose Statement The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of IV on DV.
Hypothesis = Prediction + Reasons Prediction Statement If/then structure. If the IV is ( ) then the DV will ( ).
Study Title The effect of IV on DV in object/situation.
Demonstration Activity or Cookbook Inquiry Seed Ideas As a result of this session, what classroom activity comes to mind? Briefly describe a favourite activity, demo, lab, problem, challenge, case, etc. How could this favourite be “SHIFTED” to make it more student centered?
Friday 12:30-1:30 Middle School Hall D/Rm 23, Pennsylvania Convention Centre Sunday 9:30-10:30 Elementary Hall D/Rm 11, Pennsylvania Convention Centre
WRAP UP Contact information Electronic resources available –SmarterScience.caSmarterScience.ca Moodle links –Sci7-12.net/moodle secondarySci7-12.net/moodle –K-8.sci7-12.net/moodle elementaryK-8.sci7-12.net/moodle