The Web of Science, Bibliometrics and Scholarly Communication
ISI/SSCI - paper format Web of Science - electronic database Scholarly communication / new media Web of Science 'Scientific Web Plus' Forthcoming, March 2014: Thomson Reuters & Google Scholar
Reference Guide Reference guide CzechPortuguese EnglishRomanian FrenchRussian GermanSpanish ItalianTurkish Polish
Bibliography buildingBibliometrics Topic / keywordCitation metrics AuthorJournal ranking Cited referencesImpact factors Shared referencesData by discipline Save & exportUniversity metrics
Coverage 12,600 refereed journals Titles of non-English journals translated Abstracts of non-English language articles available in English from 1990 Social Sciences & Humanities
Search Phrase Searching – eg. “inflation targeting” finds this exact phrase Author Names – Last name first, followed by a space and initial(s) – Lemley M* finds: Lemley, Mark – Lemley finds all authors with the family name Lemley
New Web of Science January 2014 Consolidated search field Simplified navigation and grouping of functional controls Multiple expanded search fields available
Cross-links from Web of Science to Google Scholar Google Scholar automatically displays link to full text at user’s university if available based on IP address.
Cross-links from Google Scholar to the Web of Science (subscription context)
5-year Impact factor The 5-year Journal Impact Factor: – "The 5-year journal Impact Factor is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past five years have been cited in the Journal Citations Report year. It is caclulated by dividing the number of citations in the JCR year by the total number of articles published in the five previous years."
h-Index Developed by Jorge E. Hirsch 'An index to quantify an individual’s scientific research output'An index to quantify an individual’s scientific research output – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102 (46) November, 2005
Calculation H-index of 3 means there are 3 items that have 3 citations or more. "This metric is useful because it discounts the disproportionate weight of highly cited papers or papers that have not yet been cited." H-index
Caveats The journal selection process – "Many excellent regional journals target a local, rather than an international, audience. Therefore, the emphasis on extensive international diversity is less than for internationally focused journals."
Caveats… Web of Science a database of refereed article records ‘Main’ articles sometimes mis-classified as ‘reviews’ Language coverage Thomson Reuters does not correct/change metadata Abstracts only since 1992 Author names – variations/diacritics Citation because of ‘controversial’ or ‘bad science’ Differences between disciplines: citation patterns.
Institutional Rankings Times Higher Education – World University Rankings World University Rankings Scientific ‘competitiveness’ analysis eg. UNESCO Science Report
University rankings’ indicator clusters Teaching: the learning environment (30% of the overall ranking score) Research: volume, income and reputation (30%) Citations: research influence (30%) International outlook: staff, students and research (7.5%) Industry income: innovation (2.5%)
ISI/SSCI - Paper Web of Science electronic database Scholarly communication / new media Web of Science 'Scientific Web Plus' 2014: Thomson Reuters & Google Scholar
Academic Communication Paper and Electronic Internet Open Access ‘Advanced’ OA / Web dissemination Example of PLoS article Books & e-Books PalgravePivot SpringerBriefs
Alternative metrics ‘Altmetrics’ - methodology ROAR - repository metrics ROAR PLoS - article-level metrics PLoS Webometrics - University web data Webometrics Blog Metrics LSE blog: 15 October 2013 LSE blog
Google Scholar (May 2002) Google Scholar Google Books (December 2003) Google Books Google Ngram (May 2010) use firefox Google Ngram Google Scholar Metrics (November 2010) Google Scholar Metrics Google Citations (July 2011) Google Citations Google Scholar Library (19 November 2013) Google Scholar Library Google Scholar Web of Science (March 2014)
The Debate Chronicle of Higher Education Impact of Social Sciences blog (LSE) Impact of Social Sciences Times Higher Education Authors ’ societies / language groups
The Web of Science, Bibliometrics and Scholarly Communication