CSE435 BECS Project Fall 2007 Team members: Group 4: Derek Gebhard – Head PM Andrew Blossom – Customer Liaison Steve Emelander – Configuration Manager Rob Meyer – Project Facilitator Group 5: Mike Harriman – PM Calvin Pinsuwan – Customer Liason Colin Nemchik – Project Facilitator Brandon Turner – Configuration Manager Group 7: Richard Schultz – PM Mark Aikman – Customer Liason Daniel Briggs – Project Facilitator George Hoffman – Configuration Manager
Project Overview BECS = Book E-Commerce SystemBECS = Book E-Commerce System System functionalitySystem functionality –Selling Books –Purchasing Books –Accessible through a website Motivation for projectMotivation for project –Provides automation support for process of selling books over the web –Facilitates the actual sale of books
Overview of Features Feature 1 (Show Listing of Items)Feature 1 (Show Listing of Items) –Complete list of books displayed –Books displayed in ascending alphabetical order by title –Associated information with book TitleTitle AuthorAuthor PricePrice
Overview of Features Feature 2 (Inventory Data)Feature 2 (Inventory Data) –Maintain data associated with inventory Book dataBook data Inventory stockInventory stock Feature 3 (Search)Feature 3 (Search) –Search books for sale based on title
Overview of Features Feature 4 (Account Creation)Feature 4 (Account Creation) –Any customer can sign up –Store Data Member vs NonMemberMember vs NonMember Username (unique)Username (unique) Password (no restrictions)Password (no restrictions) Addres (no restrictions) Addres (no restrictions) Postal Address (unverified)Postal Address (unverified) Feature 5 (Manager Account)Feature 5 (Manager Account) –One account for BECS
Overview of Features Feature 6 (Log in)Feature 6 (Log in) –Customers and Manager can log in and log out of BECS –Automatic log out (30 minutes) Feature 7 (Shopping Cart)Feature 7 (Shopping Cart) –Add one or more books to shopping cart No multiple copies of booksNo multiple copies of books –Pricing information
Overview of Features Feature 8 (Promotion)Feature 8 (Promotion) –Fixed percentage discount applied to entire order –Entered by Manager at creation –Expires – ed to Members Feature 9 (Checkout)Feature 9 (Checkout) –Available to logged-in customers –Member customers may enter one promotion code –Collect 16-digit credit card number –Log / record Transaction
Overview of Features Feature 10 (Reorder)Feature 10 (Reorder) –Manager notified when certain quantity of a book is met –Exception: Stop Order Manager defined for every bookManager defined for every book Feature 11 (Manager)Feature 11 (Manager) –Update stock –Change books price –View transaction logs
Domain Research Investigated area of E-CommerceInvestigated area of E-Commerce Needed to apply domain knowledge in the area of website developmentNeeded to apply domain knowledge in the area of website development Project ConstraintsProject Constraints –Security Concerns Database storage of passwords (plain text)Database storage of passwords (plain text) No Lockout after number of failed LoginsNo Lockout after number of failed Logins Lack of encrypted connection – Credit CardLack of encrypted connection – Credit Card No Strong passwordsNo Strong passwords –Behavior on browsers other than Firefox and Internet Explorer
Use Case Diagram
Shared Functionality
Expansion of Login Use Case
Manager Zoom in
Customer Zoom in
Simplified Class Diagram
Simplified Class Diagram: Singletons
Simplified Class Diagram: Observer
Simplified Class Diagram: GUI Controls
Simplified Class Diagram: Mediators
Simplified Class Diagram: Mediators and Mediator Clients
Simplified Class Diagram: Façade
Sequence Diagram Adding a Promotion
Sequence Diagram Adding Book to Inventory
Sequence Diagram Add a book to the cart
State Diagram Manger Interactions
State Diagram Customer Interactions
State Diagram Transaction Log
Demonstration InterfaceInterface ScenariosScenarios DemoDemo
Interface - Customer
Interface - Manager
Customer - Purchase Find Desired BooksFind Desired Books Add Books to CartAdd Books to Cart RegistrationRegistration LoginLogin Apply PromotionApply Promotion CheckoutCheckout
Customer - Purchase
Manager - Create Book Login (“Manager”/”test”)Login (“Manager”/”test”) NameName AuthorAuthor PricePrice BarcodeBarcode StockStock Reorder InformationReorder Information
Manager – Edit Book Fix TyposFix Typos –Title –Author –Barcode Change PriceChange Price Update Stock AmountUpdate Stock Amount Change Reorder InformationChange Reorder Information DeleteDelete
Manager – Promotion Promotion CodePromotion Code PercentPercent Expiration DateExpiration Date
Manager – Transactions UsernameUsername TimeTime PromotionPromotion PricePrice BooksBooks
And Now…. The Demo