Encounter & Conquest Europeans in Latin America
Hernando Cortez Spaniard. 1519 goes to “New World.” First stop is Cuba- easily conquered. Continues west with 11 ships and 550 men…reaches Mexico.
Cortes Encounters the Aztecs. Meets “La Malinche” Sets up camp at Vera Cruz. Has a series of meetings with the Aztecs. Series of bad omens alerts the Aztecs that Cortes may be an angry god returning to Tenochtitlan.
Cortes Encounters the Aztecs (cont). Cortes marches inland towards the capital of the Aztec Empire, Tenochtitlan. Aztec King, Montezuma, fears that Cortes is an angry god and treats him & his men as special guests. Cortes kidnaps and kills Montezuma, Aztecs become angered and attack Cortes. “Sad Night”
Cortes Regroups Recruits native allies- Tlaxcalans. Builds brigantines with left over materials. Re- organizes and plans an assault on the city.
Siege of Tenochtitlan Tenochtitlan is conquered…how do so few men conquer such a large city? Advantages: Gunpowder, armor, advanced weapons & tactics, horses, steel. European diseases decimates Aztecs (smallpox, influenza).
FRANCISCO PIZARRO Conquest of the Incas…
Francisco Pizarro Spaniard. Travels to the New World and works a series of administrative jobs on island colonies. Hears rumor of a vast and wealthy empire to the South.
Pizarro…(cont.) 1520’s he works as a colonizer in Panama. , makes several trips into South America, mapping and exploring the coast. 1532, establishes a base of operations at San Mateo.
Pizarro & the Incas. Incas had recently ended a long civil war and Atahualpa emerges as the leader. Pizarro lures Atahualpa and his imperial guard to a meeting where they are ambushed & slaughtered.
Pizarro & Incas…(cont.) Atahualpa is held hostage for a huge ransom. Atahualpa is executed upon receipt of the ransom payment. Incan kingdom is leaderless and in disarray.
Pizarro & the Incas…(cont.) Pizarro installs a puppet leader. Loots Incan capital of Cuzco. Establishes new capital at Lima. Roots of colonialism have begun.