Religions 15: Virgil’s Aeneid, ,
Virgil Publius Vergilius Maro (ca BCE) Publius Vergilius Maro (ca BCE) Other works: Eclogues (pastoral poetry) and Georgica/Georgics (didactic poem about farming) Other works: Eclogues (pastoral poetry) and Georgica/Georgics (didactic poem about farming) Aeneid: epic meant to imitate and emulate Homer (intertexuality) Aeneid: epic meant to imitate and emulate Homer (intertexuality) Books 1-6: wanderings (cf. Odyssey) Books 1-6: wanderings (cf. Odyssey) Books 7-12: fighting for home in Italy (cf. Iliad) Books 7-12: fighting for home in Italy (cf. Iliad) Juno fights against Aeneas (cf. Poseidon in Od.) and is helped by Venus (cf. Athena in Od.), his mother (Venus + Anchises = Aeneas, direct line to Romulus and Rhemus) Juno fights against Aeneas (cf. Poseidon in Od.) and is helped by Venus (cf. Athena in Od.), his mother (Venus + Anchises = Aeneas, direct line to Romulus and Rhemus)
Contents 1 st half: Begins in medias res with shipwreck of Aeneas in Africa; after Dido and Aeneas, A. lands in Italy, sees Sibyl and goes to Underworld (future of Rome) 1 st half: Begins in medias res with shipwreck of Aeneas in Africa; after Dido and Aeneas, A. lands in Italy, sees Sibyl and goes to Underworld (future of Rome) 2 nd half: fight between Aeneas and Turnus (Latins); in book 8 he visits Evander (Arcadian king), who lives on the future site of Rome and becomes the ally of the Trojans against the Latins; there Aeneas sees prediction of future when he receives shield from his mother 2 nd half: fight between Aeneas and Turnus (Latins); in book 8 he visits Evander (Arcadian king), who lives on the future site of Rome and becomes the ally of the Trojans against the Latins; there Aeneas sees prediction of future when he receives shield from his mother
Themes Strong political overtones: - Connection of Troy to Rome - Underlining of Roman values (pietas): Aeneas chooses for collective rather than individual motivations (love) and brings penates to Italy - Explanation of Punic wars - Influence of contemporary Augustan propaganda (written in first decade of Augustus’ reign)