Wide-field Surveys with Subaru Toru Yamada
- A Review of Subaru Wide-Field and Deep Surveys + some prospects for HSC/ WFMOS era - Introduction to the two very wide-field deep survey with Subaru SCDXT, SSA22-NB surveys
MOIRCS 4’x7’
Kajisawa et al arcmin Distribution of Distant Red Galaxies (J-K>2.3) near HDF Subru MOIRCS
FoV deg 2 SCam Other wavelength notesTeams Subaru Deep Field*0.25 BVRiz,921,816,71 1,503,497, IBs NIR, MIR deepest images with Subaru Obs. Project SDF Kashikawa et al. GOODS-N0.05 (0.2) BVRiz,497,(921) X, UV,HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio world standard field Ohta et al. / Capak et al. 他 Lockman Hole0.25 BVRiz X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio low HI column Capak et al. NEP Survey0.25 BRiz MIR, sub-mm, radio Akari survey Matsuhara/Hanami et al. EIS0.5 BRIz NIR ESO field Arimoto et al. Subaru XMM Deep Field*1.2 BVRiz,921,816,71 1, 503,497, IBs X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio deep and wide Obs. Project SXDS Sekiguchi, et al. COSMOS2 griz,921, 816, IBs (21bands) X, UV, HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio HST ACS COSMOS COSMOS / Taniguchi et al. PISCES*clusters BVRiz NIR, HST, X Survey at known clusters Kodama et al. SSA22 *3 B,V,497 ’ NIR z=3.1 Hayashino et al. / Yamada et al. SCDXT* (UKIDSS/Scam) 9 (B),I NIR/MIR UKIDSS DXS fields Yamada et al. 33 deg Survey(33) R Lensing Miyazaki et al. Previous wide-field observations with Suprime Cam These are not all the surveys by Subaru
Comoving Volume ( Mpc 3 / [unit z] z~1-10 Main targets 1 deg 2 ~10 7 Galaxy Formation/Evolution 10 deg 2 ~10 8 The most luminous objects Clusters, LSS 100 deg 2 ~10 9 Quasars Mass Distribution of the Universe 1000 deg 2 ~10 10 BAO, and other precise cosmology c.f., comoving volume sampled by Suprime Cam NB filters Lyα RedshiftV (comoving) NB497Z=3.17x10 5 Mpc 3 /deg 2 NB711Z=4.97x10 5 Mpc 3 /deg 2 NB921Z=6.61x10 6 Mpc 3 /deg 2
FoVSCam Other wavelength notesTeams Subaru Deep Field*0.25 BVRiz,921,816,71 1,503,497, IBs NIR, MIR deepest images with Subaru Obs. Project SDF Kashikawa et al. GOODS-N0.05 (0.2) BVRiz,497,(921) X, UV,HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio world standard field Ohta et al. / Capak et al. 他 Lockman Hole0.25 BVRiz X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio low HI column Capak et al. NEP Survey0.25 BRiz MIR, sub-mm, radio Akari survey Matsuhara/Hanami et al. EIS0.5 BRIz NIR ESO field Arimoto et al. Subaru XMM Deep Field*1.2 BVRiz,921,816,71 1, 503,497, IBs X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio deep and wide Obs. Project SXDS Sekiguchi, et al. COSMOS2 griz,921, 816, IBs (21bands) X, UV, HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio HST ACS COSMOS COSMOS / Taniguchi et al. PISCES*clusters BVRiz NIR, HST, X Survey at known clusters Kodama et al. SSA22 *3 B,V,497 ’ NIR z=3.1 Hayashino et al. / Yamada et al. SCDXT* (UKIDSS/Scam) 9 (B),I NIR/MIR UKIDSS DXS fields Yamada et al. 33 deg Survey(33) R Lensing Miyazaki et al. Previous wide-field observations with Subaru
SDF (deepest) - Unveiling the Re-Ionization Era Kodaira et al. 2003, Taniguchi et al. 2004, Kashikawa et al Iye et al (for the z=6.96 object), Ota et al submitted (north, difficult to observe from ALMA) 34’ Subaru Deep Field NB980
SDF The deepest search for the highest-redshift objects SXDS Tracing Structure Formation and Galaxy Formation/Evolution
Iye et al. 2006
Witnessing the Re-ionization of the Universe? Haiman 2002Kashikawa et al. 2006
McQuinn et al Observing Cosmic Reionization by (the clustering of) Lyα Emitters average neutral fraction SDF z=6.6
- Lyman Break Galaxies at z=3-7 luminosity function and star-formation history clustering Ouchi et al., Yoshida et al., Shimasaku et al., Iwata et al. (GOODS) - z~2 (BzK) galaxies Motohara et al., Kong et al. (EIS) There are also studies about continuum selected objects Yoshida et al. 2006
FoVSCam Other wavelength notesTeams Subaru Deep Field*0.25 BVRiz,921,816,71 1,503,497, IBs NIR, MIR deepest images with Subaru Obs. Project SDF Kashikawa et al. GOODS-N0.05 (0.2) BVRiz,497,(921) X, UV,HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio world standard field Ohta et al. / Capak et al. 他 Lockman Hole0.25 BVRiz X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio low HI column Capak et al. NEP Survey0.25 BRiz MIR, sub-mm, radio Akari survey Matsuhara/Hanami et al. EIS0.5 BRIz NIR ESO field Arimoto et al. Subaru XMM Deep Field*1.2 BVRiz,921,816,71 1, 503,497, IBs X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio deep and wide Obs. Project SXDS Sekiguchi, et al. COSMOS2 griz,921, 816, IBs (21bands) X, UV, HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio HST ACS COSMOS COSMOS / Taniguchi et al. PISCES*clusters BVRiz NIR, HST, X Survey at known clusters Kodama et al. SSA22 *3 B,V,497 ’ NIR z=3.1 Hayashino et al. / Yamada et al. SCDXT* (UKIDSS/Scam) 9 (B),I NIR/MIR UKIDSS DXS fields Yamada et al. 33 deg Survey(33) R Lensing Miyazaki et al. * TY (at least partially) involved or leading Previous wide-field observations with Subaru These are not all the surveys by Subaru
Panoramic Deep Image: Subaru/XMM Deep Survey Galaxy evolution can be studied in fairly large volume. NIR (UKIDSS UDS), MIR-FIR (SWIRE), radio (VLA), sub-mm (SHADES), etc. 1.3° UKIDSS UDS K<23 (Vega)
SDF The deepest search for the highest-redshift objects SXDS Tracing Structure Formation and Galaxy Formation/Evolution
Distribution of Galaxies in SXDS (1) mass B-drop LBGs (i<27) Small scale clustering Large-scale clustering M DH ~10 12 Mo Ouchi et al. 2005
Distribution of Galaxies in SXDS (2) z=0 SDSS Morphological E/S0 (Nakamura et al.) SDSS Red galaxies Passive Evolution zf=3 and 5 Yamada et al. 2005
Connecting Different Type of Galaxies at different epoch by their clustering properties
UKIDSS-UDS + SXDS: K-band LF evolution up to z~2 Cirasuolo et al K_AB< sources (0.6 deg^2)Number density evolution of red and blue bright objects
COSMOS – Subaru provides the ground-base multi-band data COSMOS-21 (Taniguchi+) Broad-Band Intermediate-Band Narrow-band Massey et al Taniguchi et al. 2007
Narrow-band Surveys at SDF, SXDS, COSMOS, SSA22….
z=3 simulation at larger scale (Benson et al. 2001) B&W :CDM Colord: Galaxies 141 h -1 Mpc N-body + semi-analytic treatment
Large-Scale Structure of Lyman Alpha Emitters (1) z=4.9 Shimasaku et al. 2003, 2004 z=4.86 z=4.79
Large-Scale Structure of Lyman Alpha Emitters (2) z=5.7 z=5.7±0.05 Ouchi et al. 2005, ApJ, 620, L1 Clump ‘A’ Δv~ 180 km/s M~1x10 13 M sun
HDR LAB2LAB1 Large-Scale Structure of Lyman Alpha Emitters (3) z=3.1 Subaru Narrow-Band Observation of the SSA22 Proto-cluster (z=3.1) region Lyα Emitters (LA) Lyα Absorbers LAE average local density 2 x erg/s/cm 2 EWobs > 160 Å 283 objects Hayashino et al Steidel et al. 2000
Some Prospects for HSC / WFMOS era Hyper Suprime Cam: ~2 deg 2 [8 x FoV of Scam] (Miyazaki-san’s talk) -Precision Cosmology favors deg 2 surveys (other many talks in this WS…) Broad-Band Imaging (photo-z) + Spectroscopy (z~1, z~3) - Galaxy Deep Surveys deepest ~ 10 deg 2 wide and deep ~ 100 deg 2 especially for NB survey Broad-Band, Narrow-Band, maybe Intermediate Band Deep Opt & IR Spectroscopy for the selected objects
“Deepest (= highest-z) Survey” Strategy surveyarea filterstime Ultra Deep10 deg^2 (HSC 5FoV*) g, r, i, z, y NB711, 816, 921, 980 BB 10h z) NB 10h - Primary Goals: Obtain “Comprehensive” View of the Re-ionization Era Synergy with ALMA (NAOJ) Thirty-Meter Telescope (Subaru/NAOJ ?) James-Webb Space Telescope ground-base deepest NIR (VISTA/WFCAM/Subaru??) space NIR Very Wide Field Imager What’re the Desirable “Deep” Survey Strategies for HSC ?
y HSC i-drop z~6 galaxies z-drop z~7 galaxies HSC+NIR optical-drop z > 8 Ouchi 2005
Re-Ionization Era and Earliest Galaxies Important Questions (reionization) ● When and How Cosmic Re-ionization Occurred ? LAE luminosity-dependent number-density evolution evolution of luminosity-dependent clustering ● What are the source of ionization ? UV-selected objects (LBG) luminosity function, color But the knowledge of escape fraction below Lyman Limit is essential ● How reionization affects galaxy formation?
Re-Ionization Era and Earliest Galaxies Important Questions (galaxy formation) ● How galaxy formation proceeds at z=5-10? ALMA.. Dust emission (for brightest objects 100M/yr)) High-J CO? (z~6 maybe detectable z~10 difficult) IR-bright objects near UV-selected sources? TMT/JWST.. redshift identification (relatively rare bright objects AB~25-26) stellar contents metal lines: metallicity, excitation, kinematics AGN signatures ● Search for galaxies at z=7-10 (z-drop, y-drop) JWST: wide-field NIR imaging survey? ground-based IR camera : brightest galaxies
Thirty Meter Telescope (Caltech / UC / Canada)
FoVSCam Other wavelength notesTeams Subaru Deep Field (SDF)* 0.25 BVRiz,921,816,7 11,503,497, IBs NIR, MIR deepest images with Subaru Obs. Project SDF Kashikawa et al. GOODS-N0.05 (0.2) BVRiz,497,(921) X, UV,HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub- mm, radio world standard field Ohta et al. / Capak et al. 他 Lockman Hole Deep0.25 BVRiz X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio low HI column Capak et al. NEP Survey0.25 BRiz MIR, sub-mm, radio Akari survey Matsuhara/Hanami et al. EIS0.5 BRIz NIR ESO field Arimoto et al. Kong et al. Subaru XMM Deep Survey (SXDS)* 1.2 BVRiz,921,816,7 11, 503,497, IBs X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio deep and wide Obs. Project SXDS Sekiguchi, et al. COSMOS2 griz,921, 816, IBs (21bands) X, UV, HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub- mm, radio HST ACS COSMOS COSMOS / Taniguchi et al. PISCES*clusters BVRiz NIR, HST, X Survey at known clusters Kodama et al. SSA22 *3 B,V,497’ NIR z=3.1 Hayashino et al. / Yamada et al. SCDXT* (UKIDSS/Scam) 9 (B),I NIR/MIR UKIDSS DXS fields Yamada et al. 33 deg Survey(33) R Lensing Miyazaki et al. Previous wide-field observations with Subaru Suprime Cam These are not all the surveys by Subaru * TY involved
Two Subaru Very Wide Field Deep Surveys - SCDXT : S uprime C am/ UKIDSS Deep eXtragalactic Survey ( DX S) T en Square Degrees Survey - search for clusters and proto-clusters at z=1-2 (working report) - A Proto-cluster at z=3.1 and Galaxy Formation Subaru (Suprime Cam, FOCAS, MOIRCS) / Spitzer / / VLT (VIMOS) / JCMT-SCUBA / XMM / UKIDSS / Chandra
Suprime-Cam/UKIDSS DXS 10 aq.deg. Survey I’~26 UKIDSS DXS J~22 K~21 SWIRE IRAC/MIPS
SCDXT: Field of View Lockman Field and ELAIS N sources down to I’~26 (AB: 25.5 – ~90% completeness) Lockman HoleELAIS N1
I’-band – IRAC [3.6][4.5] Two-Color Diagram Model grid: Bruzual and Charlot z=0-3, Age 0-Tuniv, E(B-V)=0 Redshifted Coma-elliptical passive mdels [3.6] < 20.5 sample 24um>0.45mJy Z=1.0 Z=2.0
Cluster Finding Distribution of galaxies is converted to the density map by smoothing with various kernels. (e.g., Gaussian FWHM=45”) Peak finding with the criteria matched with the smoothed scale. Optical/NIR MOS spectroscopic follow-up Being proposed MOIRCS / FMOS Lockman hole ELAIS N1 1.0 < z < < z < < z < < z < < z < < z < 1.8
HDR LAB2LAB1 LAE average local density Steidel et al A Proto-clusrter around SSA22 field a z=3.1 (Steidel et al. 1998) Hayashino et al Matsuda et al Subaru Scam NB 7h LAB1 LAB2 25”=190kpc
New Very Wide-Field Lyα Emitters Survey at ‘SSA22’ area 2 x erg/s/cm 2 EWobs > 120 Å Lyα Emitters w/ Hayashino, Matsuda, Nakamura, et al.
Estimation of the Large-Scale Over-density Control fields SDF, SXDS, (GOODS-N) Vs.CDM linear theory Vs. False LAE in Millenium Simulation Millenium Simulation Over-density distribution of SF galaxies
Malhotra et sl. 2002; Charlot and Fall 1993 Lyα Emission Equivalent Width and IMF Constant continuous SF history 1/20 solar metallicity Model A Salpeter IMF x=2.35 Model B Top heavy IMF x=0.5 M l =1 M sun M u =120 M sun ~240 Å EW 0 > 240 Å POPIII ? If constant continuous SFH
Summary Previous Subaru Wide-Area Surveys ★ The deepest search for the highest-redshift objects ~ 0.25 deg 2 (1 Scam FoV) SDF, others.. ★ Tracing Structure Formation and Galaxy Formation/Evolution ~ 1 deg 2 (4 Scam FoV) SXDS, COSMOS, others.. ★ ~ 10 deg2 limited band/depth coverage Future Prospects w/HSC Precision Cosmology favors 1000 deg 2 surveys Galaxy Deep Surveys deepest ~ 10 deg 2 wide and deep ~ 100 deg 2 especially for NB survey