CS240 Computer Science II Function and Class Templates (Based on Deitel) Dr. Erh-Wen Hu
Template Definition template template (tem’plət, tem’plāt) noun 1.In an application package, an overlay for the keyboard that identifies keys and key combinations. 2.In image processing, a pattern that can be used to identify or match a scanned image. 3.In spreadsheet programs, a predesigned spreadsheet that contains formulas, labels, and other elements. 4.In MS-DOS, a small portion of memory that holds the most recently typed MS-DOS command. 5.In word processing and desktop publishing programs, a predesigned document that contains formatting and, in many cases, generic text.
C/C++ Template Definition A single segment that performs identical operations on different data types. Based on the argument types in a function call, the compiler generates separate object-code functions to handle each type of calls appropriately. The code segment allows the programmer to specify an entire range of related/overloaded functions or classes; the former is known as template functions, the latter template classes. Examples: sort function template for an array allows array of any data type (int, float, etc.) to be sorted and stack class templeate allows operations of stack-of-int, stack-of- double, etc.
Syntax: function template definition Funnction template begins with template Ortempleate Or template The formal parameters (system or user defined) can be used to specify the types of arguments to the function, the return type of a function, and to declare variables within the function.
Example: a function template // Fig 12.2: fig12_02.cpp // Using template functions #include template void printArray( const T *array, const int count ) { for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) cout << array[ i ] << " "; cout << endl; }
Example: a function template (continued) int main() { const int aCount = 5, bCount = 7, cCount = 6; int a[ aCount ] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; double b[ bCount ] = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7 }; char c[ cCount ] = "HELLO"; // 6th position for null cout << "Array a contains:" << endl; printArray( a, aCount ); // integer template function // a is of int * type cout << "Array b contains:" << endl; printArray( b, bCount ); // double template function // b is of double * type cout << "Array c contains:" << endl; printArray( c, cCount ); // character template function // c is of char * type return 0; }
How the above template simplify the code Without using function template, the programmer must write the following overloaded functions: void printArray(const int *, const int); void printArray(const double *, const int); void printArray(const char *, const int);
Overloading template functions The function templates can be overloaded with different number or types of parameters (same function name). The compiler performs a matching process to determine what function to call when a function is invoked. (non-template functions first)
Class templates Class is defined generically; objects of the class are defined with information of specific data type. Example: stack (LIFO) operation is independent of data type; stack class can be defined generically without specifying the data type of the object to be pushed onto or poped from the stack.
Class template Example: stack Identical to conventional class definition except it is preceded by: template
Class template Example: stack // Fig. 12.3: tstack1.h // Class template Stack #ifndef TSTACK1_H #define TSTACK1_H #include template class Stack { public: Stack( int = 10 ); // default constructor (stack size 10) ~Stack() { delete [] stackPtr; } // destructor bool push( const T& ); // push an element onto the stack bool pop( T& ); // pop an element off the stack private: int size; // # of elements in the stack int top; // location of the top element T *stackPtr; // pointer to the stack bool isEmpty() const { return top == -1; } // utility bool isFull() const { return top == size - 1; } // functions };
Class template Example: stack (continued) // Constructor with default size 10 template Stack ::Stack( int s ) { size = s > 0 ? s : 10; top = -1; // Stack is initially empty stackPtr = new T[ size ]; // allocate space for elements } // Push an element onto the stack; return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise template bool Stack ::push( const T &pushValue ) { if ( !isFull() ) { stackPtr[ ++top ] = pushValue; // place item in Stack return true; // push successful } return false; // push unsuccessful }
Class template Example: stack (continued) // Pop an element off the stack template bool Stack ::pop( T &popValue ) { if ( !isEmpty() ) { popValue = stackPtr[ top-- ]; // remove item from Stack return true; // pop successful } return false; // pop unsuccessful } #endif
Class template Example: stack (continued) // Fig. 12.3: fig12_03.cpp // Test driver for Stack template #include #include "tstack1.h" int main() { Stack doubleStack( 5 ); double f = 1.1; cout << "Pushing elements onto doubleStack\n"; while ( doubleStack.push( f ) ) { // success true returned cout << f << ' '; f += 1.1; } cout << "\nStack is full. Cannot push " << f << "\n\nPopping elements from doubleStack\n"; while ( doubleStack.pop( f ) ) // success true returned cout << f << ' ';
Class template Example: stack (continued) cout << "\nStack is empty. Cannot pop\n"; Stack intStack; int i = 1; cout << "\nPushing elements onto intStack\n"; while ( intStack.push( i ) ) { // success true returned cout << i << ' '; ++i; } cout << "\nStack is full. Cannot push " << i << "\n\nPopping elements from intStack\n"; while ( intStack.pop( i ) ) // success true returned cout << i << ' '; cout << "\nStack is empty. Cannot pop\n"; return 0; }
Observation of the example In the main driver function, the code for doublestack and intstack operations are nearly identical, suggesting opportunity to use a function template, which is illustrated in the following example.
Example: passing a stack template object to a function template // Fig. 12.4: fig12_04.cpp // Test driver for Stack template. // Function main uses a function template to manipulate // objects of type Stack. #include #include "tstack1.h" // Function template to manipulate Stack template void testStack( Stack &theStack, // reference to the Stack T value, // initial value to be pushed T increment, // increment for subsequent values const char *stackName ) // name of the Stack object { cout << "\nPushing elements onto " << stackName << '\n'; while ( theStack.push( value ) ) { // success true returned cout << value << ' '; value += increment; }
Example: passing a stack template object to a function template (continued) cout << "\nStack is full. Cannot push " << value << "\n\nPopping elements from " << stackName << '\n'; while ( theStack.pop( value ) ) // success true returned cout << value << ' '; cout << "\nStack is empty. Cannot pop\n"; } int main() { Stack doubleStack( 5 ); Stack intStack; testStack( doubleStack, 1.1, 1.1, "doubleStack" ); testStack( intStack, 1, 1, "intStack" ); return 0; }
Programming assignment Chapter 12: page 664, problem 12.8