Nuclear Power Station Marek Andrle Michal Kapoun
Nuclear reaction Evolved neutrons fission other nucleus of Uranium – chain reaction. Nucleuses of slight elements collision together and kinetic energy is changed to heat energy. Nucleuses of izotop 92 U 235 are striked by slow neutrons, which are disorganizated up to nucleus of slight elements. In the same time are evolved 2-3 fast neutrons.
Nuclear Power Station Primary circle - Nuclear reactor - Circle pump Secondary circle - Steam generator - Steam turbine - Capacitor with pump Water-cool circle with tower
Nuclear Reactor Nuclear reactor is resource of heat and contain: Moderator – inhibitor of neutrons Adjusting rods – regulation number of neutrons continuance of disorganization Safety rods Nuclear fuel
Secondary circle Heat from reactor boil water in Steam generator up to boiling point. Steam goes to the steam turbine. Steam turbine drive generator, which made electricity. Steam from turbine goes to capacitor where condense back to water.
Nuclear fuel Burned out nuclear fuel is very danger material and needs to be store. For store are used halfway storehouses, where fuel is loaded in conteiners for many years.
Nuclear Power Stations in CR In Czech republic are 2 nuclear power stations – Dukovany Temelín
Nuclear accidents Černobyl April 1986
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