Nuclear Implications and Applications
Nuclear Power Source: Jim Zimmerlin, Diablo Canyon Power Plant, California
Nuclear Power Nuclear fission reactions release heat (kinetic energy of products) Heat boils water, powers turbine to generate electricity No greenhouse gas production
Fission Chain Reaction Source: Griffith
Criticality Reaction self-sustaining if each fission on average induces another Critical mass depends on geometry, moderation, reflection, many other factors
Poll Question Which shape of fission fuel will be the most likely to reach criticality? A.A sphere. B.A plate. C.A long, thin cylinder.
Fissile Nuclei Required for reactors and bombs Fission started by absorption of thermal neutrons Only fissile nuclei are U-233, U-235, and Pu-239 U-235 is less than 1% of natural uranium (rest is U-238)
Plutonium Breeding Source: Griffith
Breeder Reactors Transmute U-238 to Pu-239 or Th-232 to U-233 Increase amount of usable fuel
Nuclear Waste Source: Savannah River Site
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Fission chain reaction produces fission products and neutron capture products Certain fission products absorb neutrons Fuel becomes unusable after ~1% burnup Must be reprocessed or discarded
Poll Question The amount of nuclear waste generated would be reduced if A.spent fuel were reprocessed and reused. B.all reactors were shut down. C.reactors with higher “burn-up” were used. D.any of these.
Spent Fuel Hazards Source: Cohen, B. L. Rev. Mod. Phys. 1977, 49, 1–20.
Reprocessing Recover U, Pu from spent fuel Discard fission product waste Possibility of U, Pu diversion
Advanced Reactor Designs Evaporating moderator Melt-proof fuel pellets Higher-burnup design On-site rapid reprocessing Fast neutron fission of non-fissile nuclei Accelerator-based systems
Stellar Fusion NASA photograph, Skylab, 10 December 1973
Think Question What sort of nucleus releases energy by fusion? A.Nuclei lighter than iron. B.Nuclei about as heavy as iron. C.Nuclei heavier than iron.
Fusion in the Sun Source: Seeds, Horizons: Exploring the Universe Net reaction: 4 p + 4 He + 2 e + + 2 + 2
Fusion in Hotter Stars Source: Seeds, Horizons: Exploring the Universe Net reaction: 4 p + 4 He + 2 e + + 2 + 3
Fusion Life of Massive Stars Massive star’s hot core fuses atoms to ever-higher masses Greater nuclear charges require higher temperatures, pressures Less energy per nucleon from fusing massive nuclei Fusion energy exhausted at iron
Fusion Death by Supernova Iron core does not produce energy to resist gravitational collapse of star High temperature and pressure in shock wave creates more massive nuclei Some products scattered by explosion All Fe, Cu, W, I, Ag, Au, Pb, U, etc. were released by supernovas!
Nuclear Weapons
Fission Weapons Grable 15-kT yield artillery shell, Nevada Test Site, 25 May U.S. Department of Energy photo.
Gun Device (“Little Boy”) Source: Griffith
Implosion Device (“Fat Man”) Source: Griffith
Fusion Weapons Dakota 1.1 MT shot, Enewetak, 25 June U.S Department of Energy photo.
Fusion in Weapons Require high temperatures to bring nuclei together (thermonuclear) Heated by fission bomb “pit” 2 H + 3 H 4 He + n
Thermonuclear Device