Be Seated Write down the EQ Turn in your States of Matter Worksheet
Think, Pair, Share Think of three different things that give off heat. How do they give off heat differently?
Convection Definition - the transfer of heat by the circulation or movement of th e heated parts of a liquid or gas. Heat Rises … Cold Sinks
Convection Demo
Conduction Definition – the transfer of heat between two parts of a stationary system caused by a temperature difference between the parts.
Conduction Demo
Radiation Definition - the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves.
Radiation Demo
Power Plants Power plants are factories that create electrical energy for us to use in our homes, school, and everyday lives. They take natural resources that have some sort of stored energy and transfer it into electrical energy. The five main types of power plants that can be found in PA are Coal, Wind, Nuclear, Solar, and Oil.
Be Seated Write down you EQ Get out your Power Plant Notes
Coal/Oil/Natural Gas Power Plants Coal is the largest source of electrical energy to people living in PA. Sun => Light Energy Plants => Chemical Energy Coal => Chemical Energy Steam => Thermal Energy Turbine => Mechanical Energy Generator => Electrical Energy
4. Steam = thermal energy 5. Turbine = mechanical energy 6. Generator - electrical energy 3. Coal = chemical energy 1. Sun =light energy 2. Plants = chemical energy Lesson 26 # 20
Wind Energy Farms Sun => Thermal Energy Wind => Kinetic Energy Turbine => Mechanical Energy Generator => Electrical Energy
3. Turbine - mechanical energy 4. Generator - electrical energy 1. Sund Thermal energy Lesson 26 # Wind Kinetic energy
Nuclear Power Plants Uranium => Nuclear Energy Steam => Thermal Energy Turbine => Mechanical Energy Generator => Electrical Energy
2. Steam -thermal energy 3. Turbine - mechanical energy 4. Generator - electrical energy 1. Uranium nuclear energy Lesson 26 # 21
Solar Energy Farms Sun => Light Energy Panel => Electrical Energy