Solar System Shifts in Oxygen Isotopes Associated with Supernova Injection of Aluminum 26 Carola Ellinger, Patrick Young & Steve Desch School of Earth and Space Exploration Arizona State University 72nd Meeting of the Meteoritical Society July 17, 2009
Outline Gounelle & Meibom (2007) claimed that if 26 Al was injected from a single supernova, the pre-injection composition = Sun composition (measured by Genesis) must have been 17 O-rich. Really? We compute yields of oxygen isotopes and 26 Al in 1D and 3D supernova explosion simulations, and the shifts in solar nebula oxygen due to injection of meteoritic abundances of 26 Al. We conclude there is a wide range of possible outcomes, many leading to large shifts, but some < 3 permil. We provide a scenario consistent with meteoritic data. Premature to rule out supernova injection based on oxygen isotopes.
Gounelle & Meibom (2007), Figure 1 nebula before supernova injection (inferred) nebula after supernova injection SMOW If pre-injection solar nebula = Genesis has d 17 O > 0, it would effectively rule out injection of 26 Al from single supernova.
Genesis Data 17 O = -26 permil (McKeegan et al. 2009) FUN FL 17 O = -24 permil (Krot et al. 2008) Solar Nebula Starting Composition Starting composition probably ≈ (-60,- 60). Is single supernova injection ruled out? No! Not if post-injection composition maps onto meteoritic samples! TFL YR MIF SMOW ? Corundum, hibonite 17 O = -24 permil (Makide et al. 2009)
Solar Nebula Starting Composition Oxygen isotopic shifts < few permil, or larger shifts along slope-1 line, allowed by data. TFL SMOW YR MIF "Normal" CAIs (e.g., Itoh et al. 2004) isotopic shift ?
Supernova Nucleosynthesis Tycho code ( Young & Arnett 2005 ) used to simulate a variety of progenitors, including: 23 M (with varying delays); 16 M and 23 M with hydrogen envelope stripped in Case B binary scenario; and 40 M evolving to WC/O ( see Young et al ). 1D Lagrangian code ( Herant et al ) used to model collapse, core bounce. For 3D simulations, output of 1D code mapped into 1 million SPH particles in SNSPH code ( Fryer et al ). Anisotropy introduced during this mapping by increasing velocities in cone near axis, decreasing velocities elsewhere conserving kinetic energy, mimicking observed (e.g., spectropolarimetry) supernova explosion geometries ( see Fryer et al for details ). Output post-processed using Burn code ( Fryer & Young 2007 ) to compute nucleosynthesis.
Mapping of Cassiopeia A supernova remnant by Delaney et al. (2009), from Chandra website. Key: Green = Fe (X ray); Yellow = Ar, Si (X ray, optical, IR); Red = cooler debris (IR); Blue = shock, (X ray). Fe jet Supernovae are clumpy, anisotropic. Injection of "Bulk" ejecta not required Si/S outflow
26 Al produced in C-burning zone in progenitor, and explosively in C/Ne-burning zones. In 1D simulations, high densities and p,n captures make 17 O, 18 O from 16 O but then destroy them. 17 O/ 16 O and 18 O/ 16 O low, esp. in 26 Al zones. In 3D simulations, densities fall quickly in the "jets", quenching before 17 O, 18 O destroyed. 18 O from beta decay of 18 F; at high T (>1.5 x 10 9 K) can decay to 14 N instead of 18 O, esp. in 1D explosions. 18 O yields in 3D sensitive to thermodynamic history of ejecta. Supernova Nucleosynthesis
High-velocity structures "Bubble" regions: Hydrostatic C burning, then low densities, quenching destruction of 26 Al, 17 O. No explosively produced 16 O. High 26 Al, high 17 O/ 16 O "Ring" regions: Explosive Ne,C burning at high densities. High 26 Al and 16 O. Very high 17 O/ 16 O.
High-velocity structures "Bubble" regions: Very high 18 O/ 16 O "Ring" regions: Very high 18 O/ 16 O
Ellinger, Young & Desch (in prep for ApJ) Shifts in 17 O moderate but variable; 18 O large and variable
Ellinger, Young & Desch (in prep to ApJ) Shifts in both isotopes variable. Shifts in both 17 O and 18 O are small for 23 M progenitor, whether one takes bulk or from 26 Al-rich zones. Mass is in the sweet spot (15-25 M ) where shell H burning produces lots of 26 Al but does not expel it in a Wolf-Rayet wind.
1D, bulk Solar Nebula Starting Composition 3D, bulk 3D, Ring 3D, Bubble 1D, bulk 23 M progenitor cases MIF YR
Solar Nebula Starting Composition Even allowing 26 Al to decay 1 Myr, shift from 23 M progenitor is < 10 permil, along slope-1 line. TFL SMOW YR MIF "Normal" CAIs (e.g., Itoh et al. 2004) isotopic shift ? Isheyevo CAIs (Gounelle et al. 2009) Acfer 214 chondrule (Kobayashi et al. 2003)
Conclusions Oxygen isotope and 26 Al yields in supernova ejecta highly variable, sensitive to not just progenitor mass but also explosion anisotropy. Injection of meteoritic abundance of 26 Al usually shifts oxygen isotopes many tens of permil, but not always*. A viable scenario may be symmetric explosion of intermediate- mass progenitor shifting solar nebula down slope-1 line < 10 permil. Later MIF moves nebula up slope-1 line. Premature to use oxygen isotopes to rule out injection of 26 Al from a single supernova. * Chemical fractionation during injection into disk (Ouellette et al. 2007)---Al gets in via corundum grains but O remains in gas phase and is not injection---can reduce shifts to << 1 permil.
Key: Green = Fe (X ray); Yellow = Ar, Si (X ray, optical, IR); Red = cooler debris (IR); Blue = shock, (X ray).