Moon, Earth, and Sun By: Austin and Alex
MOON The Moon has 600 metric tons of ice. The Moon’s diameter is 3,976 km. The Moon has six times LESS gravity than Earth. It take 29.5 days to rotate on it axis The blacks spots ,or Maria are lava seas , don’t worry there is no lava there now! The Moon’s gravity pulls on the ocean ,in effect making the high and low tides.
MOON FACTS #2 There are many landforms on the moon including mountains, valleys, plains and mostly craters. There are so many craters because the Moon has no atmosphere that can burn up asteroids before hitting the surface.
EARTH The Earth has six times MORE gravity than the Moon. The Earth’s diameter is 12,756 km. The Earth is 75% water. The Earth rotates on it’s axis every 24 hours. The Earth has seasons because of it’s tilt and orbit around the sun.
EARTH FACTS # 2 The earth orbits the sun every year (365 days,52 weeks,8760 hours) Earth has a atmosphere to protect it from space debri and a magnetic field to protect us from solar flares
SUN The sun is made of hydrogen (about 70%) and helium (about 28%) Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen make up (1.5%) and the other (0.5%) is made up of small amounts of many other elements such as neon, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur. The sun is way to hot to support life as we know!
SUN FACTS #2 The suns gravity is 28 times stronger than earth’s gravity. The sun can get as hot as 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun has solar winds, solar flares, sun spots, and gamma rays. The sun actually orbits the black hole in The Milky Way Galaxy.