Think like a SCIENTIST… Scientist call plants “producers”! Why use this term? Plants are produce rs because they “produce” or make, their own food. Plants need three things: Sunlight Water Carbon Dioxide
Photosynthesis Sunlight- where plants gets its energy to make the food. Water- roots take in the water. Carbon Dioxide- a gas found in the air. –It’s a recipe! –YOU HAVE TO HAVE ALL THREE! »If you only have two, plants will not be able to produce their own food. »Think about a PB & J. It’s not a peanut butter and jelly sandwich if you are missing the jelly! What is needed?
If a plant is a producer then what is an example of a consumer? An animal is an example of a consumer. Can a consumer (animal) make their own food like a producer (plant) can? NO, because consumers must CONSUME (eat) plants or other animals to survive.
Carnivores only eat meat, which means they eat other animals. What are some examples of carnivores?
A Herbivore is an animal that only eats plants. This includes fruits and vegetables. Can you name some examples of herbivores?
An omnivore is an animal that eats a combination of plants and meat. Can you think of any animals that are considered omnivores?
A Decomposers are organisms that break down organisms and their wastes. Can you think of any decomposers?
ALL animals have the ability to move. Movement allows them to find food and to escape from their enemies. Vs. Plants that stay in one place. They cannot move from one place to another. Animals have different structures to help them move. Legs: help animals to walk on land. Fins or Tails: Help fish to swim around. Wings: Allow birds and some insects to fly.
Oxygen a gas in the air that animals use to “burn” food. –L–Land based animals- breathe oxygen through their mouths and noses. –F–Fish- absorb dissolved oxygen in the water through their gills. When animals burn their food, they release energy.
Animals must eat or take in plants or other animals into their bodies to survive. Animals then break down this food and absorb its nutrients. –Energy is transferred… Then the body combines these nutrients with oxygen to release energy.
Touch Smell Hearing Sight These senses help guide their movements. These senses also help animals know when they are in danger and where they can find food.
Sight Smell Hearing Touch Taste
ORGANISMS: An organism is a living thing. There are two main groups of living things: Producers and Consumers CONSUMERS: Scientists call animals “consumers” because they depend on other organisms, such as plants and other animals for their food. They cannot make their own food. Animals must consume plants or animals.
Producers: Unlike animals, plants cannot move around. However, plants can make their own food. Plants use photosynthesis to do this. Plants need three things: Sunlight, Water, Carbon Dioxide How Animals Meet Their Needs: Movement- they move from one place to another to find food and escape enemies. Sense Organs- These help guide an animal’s movements. Breathing- Animals use oxygen to burn food. This releases food’s energy. Eating- Animals must eat plants or other animals to survive.