The Americas: A Separate World Mr. Dunham
Hunters & Farmers in the Americas More than 10,000 years ago, humans migrate from Asia to the Americas across a land bridge. Originally hunters and gatherers, these groups developed farming methods and create settlements.
The Earliest Americas Most experts believe that the first people came to the Americas from Asia over the land bridge known as Beringia.
The Earliest Americas Cont… Towards the end of the last Ice Age, nomadic groups migrate from Asia to the Americas. The development of agriculture allows these nomadic hunter- gatherers to settle in one place. By adapting to various environments, the groups spread across the Americas.
Way of Life for early Americans: Hunters & Gatherers
Agriculture Prompts a New Way of Life Early peoples in Mexico begin to farm, leading to the development of corn, beans, and squash. As growing crops becomes more sophisticated, farmers learn to manipulate the terrain. The birth of agriculture leads to changes in society and the rise of civilization.
Before Agriculture People hunted or gathered what they ate. Families continually moved in search of big game. Groups remained small due to the scarcity of reliable sources of food. Humans devoted much of their time to obtaining food. After Agriculture People enjoyed a more reliable and seaty source of food. Families settled down and formed larger communities. Humans concentrated on new skills: arts and crafts, architecture, social organization. Compex societies eventually arose. The Effects of Agriculture