Particle Physics Probes Messengers of the Universe J. Brunner
Feel only weak interactions Give access to about half of the free parameters of the standard model Only neutral elementary fermions
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb Color charged Q = +2/3
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb Color charged Q = -1/3
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb Color neutral Q = -1
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb Color neutral Q = 0
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb m u < m c < m t
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb m( e ) < m( µ ) < m( )
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb m( e ) < m( µ ) < m( ) ? ?
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude 1 2csµ 2 3tb 3 m( 1 ) < m( 2 ) < m( 3 ) “Normal”
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude 3 2csµ 1 3tb 2 m( 3 ) < m( 1 ) < m( 2 ) “Inverted”
S12^2=0.307 S23^2=0.386 (NH) S13^2= (NH) Delta = pi
Example for Neutrino beam line (MINOS)
Example of atmospheric neutrino measurement
Solar neutrino spectrum
Daya Bay RENO
Beam parameter ? (10^22 pot) Spectrum beam power ?
Parameter degeneracy