Eligibility Qualification Be located in a qualifying area Provide care for children after school or on the weekends, holidays, or school vacations during the regular school year Include education or enrichment activities
Eligible Area A school must have a 50% or more free and reduced population. Click on the link below for eligibility. (Use the most current data) g-Data.aspxmation
Examples of Enrichment Activities Programs must provide educational or enrichment activities in an organized, structured, and supervised environment. Examples include, but are not limited to: arts and crafts homework assistance life skills remedial education organized fitness activities etc.
Guidelines for Enrichment Activities A school may set an age limit at the site where meals are served. If there is no age limit at the site, there must be an appropriate educational/enrichment activity available to each age group A plan of the enrichment activities must be sent to KDE for approval
Change in Enrichment Activities If the plan for enrichment activities changes during the school year you must notify KDE immediately.
Documents for Application Process The following documents must be completed to begin the application process: New Sponsor CNIPS Enrollment Information Addendum to Permanent Agreement (superintendent must sign) Security Agreement Make a copy of each signed form and keep on file The original documents need to be mailed back to KDE when completed.
Application Process When all documents have been submitted you will be notified that a CNIPS account has been set up under CACFP. You will log into CNIPS and complete the CACFP sponsor application online.
At-Risk Sites Application An Affiliated At-Risk Site Verification form must be completed for each site you wish to add to the program. This form may be faxed or ed. After receiving the site verification form a consultant will go into CNIPS and add each site. You will then log into CNIPS and complete an application for each site. The information on the site verification form and the CNIPS application must match or the application will be returned for corrections.
Application Process After the CNIPS application has been reviewed you will receive notification that your application has been approved/not approved.
Completion of the Application Process Once your application is approved you may start claiming At-Risk Afterschool Snacks and Meals.
Reimbursement Rates Effective July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 Based on “Free Rate” Breakfast $1.58 Lunch/Supper $2.93 Snack $0.80
Questions Contact Information Faith Corbin ext