This is….
$200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 CommitmentsToolkit ItemsPsychobiologyPotpourri
CommitmentsToolkit ItemsPsychobiologyPotpourri $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $600 $800 $400 $1000
Commitments $200 This commitment encourages the community to work toward helping all members be safe and refrain from hurting each other.
Commitments $200 - Answer Nonviolence
Commitments $400 This commitment is about recognizing and being aware of the influence feelings have on behavior.
Commitments $400 - Answer Emotional Intelligence
Commitments $600 This commitment encourages people to talk about issues that affect the community, no matter how difficult they may be, and to do so in a direct and respectful way.
Commitments $600 - Answer Open Communication
Commitments $800 This commitment is the agreement that the community will take care of itself and its members through: Doing good work Adhering to the rules Being accountable for behaviors and decisions
Commitments $800 - Answer Social Responsibility
Commitments $1000 This commitment uses mistakes as opportunities for improvement and learning rather than opportunities to punish - it encourages people to share what they have learned from mistakes, rather than feeling the shame that often drives people to cover up their mistakes.
Commitments $ Answer Social Learning
Toolkit Items $200 This tool supports our commitment to Nonviolence through staying safe.
Toolkit Items $200-Answer Safety Plan
This tool is a short meeting to address critical incidents in which most of the focus is on coming up on solutions.
Toolkit Items $400-Answer Red Flag Reviews
Toolkit Items $600 This tool is a long-term plan to prevent burn out.
Toolkit Items $600-Answer Self Care Plan
Toolkit Items $800 This tool helps individuals understand the things that have happened to them and the ways that their experiences are affecting their current lives.
Toolkit Items $800-Answer Psychoeducation
Toolkit Items $1000 This tool gives us a framework for working with and talking about individuals and the progress they are making.
Toolkit Items $1000-Answer S.E.L.F. Treatment Planning
Psychobiology $200 Sanctuary challenges us to change the question from “What’s wrong with you?” to what?
Psychobiology $200-Answer “What’s happened to you?”
Psychobiology $400 This is defined as: when both internal and external resources are inadequate to cope with external threat.
Psychobiology $400-Answer Trauma
Psychobiology $600 Trauma is stored in the non verbal memory and makes it difficult to talk about, therefore we end up relying on these two instinctual responses to stress.
Psychobiology $600-Answer Fight or Flight
Psychobiology $800 This study showed us that experiences that interfere with a child’s ability to have a safe and healthy attachment to a caregiver can have lifelong effects on many human functions.
Psychobiology $800-Answer ACES Study
Psychobiology $1000 Our brain’s self protective response that enables us to be doing one thing automatically while focusing our attention on something else.
Psychobiology $1000-Answer Dissociation
Potpourri $200 Name the roles of the Reenactment Triangle
Potpourri $200-Answer Rescuer VictimPersecutor
Potpourri $400 Name the 4 domains of safety
Potpourri $400-Answer Physical Psychological MoralSocial
Potpourri $600 If the individuals feel hopeless, the staff may start to feel hopeless, and the organization may seem missionless. This is an example of what?
Potpourri $600-Answer Parallel Process
Potpourri $800 A type of parallel process in which someone who works with or cares for traumatized people might experience similar symptoms even though they themselves have not been directly exposed to the traumatic event.
Potpourri $800-Answer Vicarious Trauma
Potpourri $1000 A man is berated at work for turning in a project late. When he comes home, his wife asks if he picked up the dry cleaning. He had forgotten and responds by yelling, “You are always so critical!”
Potpourri $1000-Answer Collective Disturbance
Final Jeopardy 7 Commitments
Final Jeopardy You have 1 minute to consult… List the 7 Sanctuary commitments.
Final Jeopardy - Answer Nonviolence Emotional Intelligence Social Learning Open Communication Shared Governance Social Responsibility Growth and Change
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