Trimonabant – tackling a modern epidemic Jusni Saladdin Development Head, Metabolic Diseases
The Context Obesity is a rapidly growing problem in the western world Nearly a quarter of the UK population is obese The cost to health authorities is huge Glazmerzer needs a product for this market
Mode of Action Evidence came from cannabis smokers Trimonabant targets receptors in the brain Appetite is suppressed removing sensation of hunger Needs to be taken with strict diet
Phase II Trials Volunteers chosen were obese, or overweight. Participants were placed on a strict diet, and received Trimonabant or a placebo. The study was 'double blind‘. Patients on high dose of Trimonabant lost more weight than those on just placebo. Significant weight loss from the abdomen. Evidence of minor side effects
Phase III Trials Relatively inexpensive - $400 million Easy to recruit for and easy to compare Risks – Phase II was short term. Concern about longer term effect on nervous system – Competitor’s drug shows serious side effects – Might not work long-term or on all patients
Market Considerations Need a product for this huge market Trimonabant – a likely blockbuster Manufacture is straightforward Welcomed by Health Care Authorities – the cost of treating obesity is huge Need to be first to Regulators