Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) Integration of CST with Other Sectors HIV Care, Support, and Treatment
Nutrition and HIV Care, Support and Treatment Malnutrition and HIV: a vicious cycle – HIV and AIDS changes the body’s metabolism – PLHIVs often consume less food – HIV and AIDS impairs absorption of nutrients Together, these impacts rapidly accelerate weight loss, malnutrition, and wasting and hasten progression to AIDS
Nutrition and HIV Care, Support and Treatment Good nutrition helps: – Prevent malnutrition and wasting – Enhance ability to fight Opportunistic Infections – Achieve and maintain body weight – Improve effectiveness of medications – Improve the quality of life of PLHIV
WASH and HIV Care, Support and Treatment WASH is crucial to quality of life of PLHIV – Frequency of Opportunistic Infections is closely tied to quality of water, sanitation, and hygiene – percent of diarrheal illness in developing countries is attributed to unsafe water and inadequate sanitation and hygiene practices – Repeated Opportunistic Infections have negative effects on PLHIV’s quality of life and hasten progression of HIV to AIDS.
WASH and HIV Care, Support and Treatment Safe hygiene practices (such as handwashing with soap or ash at critical times, proper disposal of feces, and safe drinking water) reduce the prevalence of diarrheal disease Better access to water and sanitation services can save labor and reduce the burden of caregiving
Malaria Prevention and Control and HIV Care, Support, and Treatment Co-infection of malaria and HIV is common in many areas of the world and there is now evidence of interactions between malaria and HIV infection – Adults and children with HIV become sicker due to malaria and may experience malaria treatment failure – Pregnant women with HIV who also get malaria are at increased risk
Malaria Prevention and Control and HIV Care, Support, and Treatment Integration of services for malaria and HIV Prevention and control of malaria – Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets – Indoor residual spraying – Daily Cotrimoxazole – Prevention of malaria in pregnant women – Presumptive treatment of fever as malaria
Income Generation Activities and HIV Care, Support, and Treatment Progression of HIV and AIDS erodes family assets – Incomes decline (PLHIV may be principle income- earner, caregivers experience loss of work and income) – Associated medical costs rise Leads to depletion of savings as families borrow money and get into debt; loss of assets Increases risk of HIV (transactional sex)
Income Generation Activities and HIV Care, Support, and Treatment Activities to increase income and protect assets may include – Social assistance (e.g., food aid) – Asset growth and protection (e.g., microfinance) – Income growth (e.g., income-generating activities)